---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicole LEONARD <nicole.leon...@sciencespo.fr>
Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 9:17 PM
Subject: Cooperative City magazine; book on community finance; working with
local communities, cities and EU institutions
To: commonswa...@lists.p2pfoundation.net

Hi all, I’m passing along information and updates from the Eutropian
Cooperative City project!

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *Eutropian Research & Action <i...@eutropian.org>
*Subject: **[eca.contact] Cooperative City magazine; book on community
finance; working with local communities, cities and EU institutions *
*Date: *June 14, 2017 at 6:22:57 AM GMT+2
*To: *<cont...@europeancommonsassembly.eu>
*Reply-To: *Eutropian Research & Action <i...@eutropian.org>

*EUTROPIAN*Research & Action

Welcome to the Cooperative City!

*#1 Upcoming#2 Past Events#3 Publications#4 Opportunities from Network*
*#5 Meet our team*
We are launching a new online magazine that collects stories, interviews,
testimonies and analyses from our partners, highlighting innovative
practices from municipalities, citizen initiatives, cooperations across
Europe. You can explore our articles and audiovisual features at
at our YouTube video channel


In the coming weeks, we will be publishing a new book
 based on the Funding the Cooperative City workshop and interview series
The book explores practices, strategies, organisational forms, legal
mechanisms and urban policies to create, develop, reuse, maintain or
purchase buildings that accommodate civic spaces. In the Autumn, we will
organise a series of book launch events and will launch a call for

In the past months, we have been working along with various EU institutions
to support cities in creating more integrated, sustainable and inclusive
policies and in using better existing financial resources. We were present
at the European Commission / DG Regio’s Urban Development Network
in Ghent and moderated a Dialogue event of the European Investment Bank’s
 programme in Vienna.

We have been helping municipalities in experimenting with new programmes
and modalities of cooperation with civic stakeholders. In Split and
Dubrovnik, in the frame of the Approaches to Participatory Governance of
Cultural Institutions
we met municipal officers and cultural producers who work on new models of
innovative cultural institutions based on the principles of participatory
governance. In Murcia, we joined forces with the experimental network
connecting European and Latin American cities around innovative policies.
With the Interactive Cities
Action Planning Network, we organised a study visit to Helsinki and
co-designed a transnational meeting in Tartu.

Eutropian is rooted in the communities where its members live. In Rome, we
joined forces with the neighbourhood committee of Casal Bertone, to
accelerate the completion of the neighbourhood’s unfinished market hall. We
participated at several occasions at the night programmes of Radio Impegno
broadcasting from the social housing complex of Corviale. Together with the
circular economy initiative OZ - Officine Zero
we have elaborated plans to collectively purchase, renovate and maintain a
large industrial complex OZ uses. Internationally, we participated at
the Citizens
 meeting in Brussels and began to work on Network Navigator with other
citizen initiatives across Europe.

In the past months, we have been touring European cities to present and
discuss our work. In Paris
we gave a keynote lecture about the contemporary urban visions of Budapest,
while at the Leggere la Città
Pistoia (Tuscany) we spoke about civic initiatives and economic stability.
In Rome, we hosted a delegation of ministry officers and planners from
Congo, we presented the Cooperative City platform at the Time for Impact
 event in the Casa dell’Architettura, and participated at roundtable
discussions at the Forum Pubbliche Amministrazioni
 and the Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico

Our colleague Levente Polyák successfully defended
 his PhD dissertation at the Central European University, in a university
under attack by the Hungarian government. In the meanwhile, Daniela Patti
will defend her PhD at the TU Wien in July.
Our articles appeared in the journal Trasporti e Cultura
published by the Politecnico di Torino, and in the book Understanding
Central Europe
published by Routledge.


The hostwriter prize is awarded annually to collaborative journalism pieces
as well as promising story pitches. There are two hostwriter prize
categories. The story prize is for collaborative pieces researched and
published by 31 July. The pitch prize is open to journalists with an
excellent idea for a story that would be realised with at least one other
colleague. *Apply by 31 July.* Read more


Tandem Europe – Social Innovation is a cross-border learning and doing
programme. During their Tandem year, cultural-social initiators from all
over Europe kick-start long-term collaboration with a partner from
abroad. Tandem Europe - Social Innovation is now open for applications
again! You can submit your expression of interest *by 30 June 2017*.


*Share your stories and ideas with us! *
*“When he enters the territory of which Eutropia is the capital, the
traveler sees not one city but many, of equal size and not unlike one
another, scattered over a vast, rolling plateau.”     *

>From *Invisible Cities* by Italo Calvino
*Further information *
i...@eutropian.org or www.eutropian.org

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