Hi, Digimer:
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I followed the guide from clusterlab doc and configure below IPMI based
stonith resources for my DRBD related service:
primitive suse2-stonith stonith:external/ipmi \
params hostname="suse2" ipaddr="XXX" userid="admin" passwd="xxx"
On 28/08/13 13:13, Xiaomin Zhang wrote:
Hi, Gurus:
I've a simple master-slave setup for a mirrored DRBD storage: This
storage is written by a daemon Java application server to produce
transaction data.
node Lhs072gkz \
attributes standby="on"
node Lpplj9jb4
node Lvoim0kaw
primitive drbd1
Hi, Gurus:
I've a simple master-slave setup for a mirrored DRBD storage: This storage
is written by a daemon Java application server to produce transaction data.
node Lhs072gkz \
attributes standby="on"
node Lpplj9jb4
node Lvoim0kaw
primitive drbd1 ocf:linbit:drbd \
params drbd_reso