T650 update problem

2006-05-12 Thread jarlymail
I installed a debug rom onto my T650 and it killed it. Everytime I reset T650, it shows a blue screen fatal alert, "MSFSCheck.c, Lin:382, second run of CheckFATFS should not have modified anything". If I choose Reset, T650 resets and shows this alert again and the keypad is dead. I can not choos

Re: T650 update problem

2006-05-15 Thread jarlymail
Thanks for reply. I tried zero-out reset. After I pressed the four buttons, the T650 looked dead. I waited for about 15mins, should be up to 10mins metioned in the article, and the device did not boot up itself. I rebooted it and the error occurred as before. any idea? -- For information on u

palm customized table?

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
Hi, I want to make a list with my preferred text color, backgound color and highlight color. In each row of the list, I want to display an image icon and some text. Is there anyway to customize the Palm standard Table or List to do this? Do I have to create my own list with Gadget? Thanks --

Re: palm customized table?

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
Hi, thanks for your reply. Which draw function do I need to override? Could you give me a simple example? or, give me some weblinks that I can find examples from. thanks -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support

how to customize table/list styles

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
I want to change the background color, text color and highlight color of Palm table or list. I also want to highlight the selected row with a image instead of a single color rectangle. I am using POL::CTable, POL::CList, POL::CGrid and etc. Is there any way to do what I want with these classes?

Re: palm customized table?

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
Thanks for you example. I tried this. But, WinEraseRectangle() draws a rectangle which overlaps on the highlight rectangle. I can not see which line is highlighted. How do you deal with this? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.

Re: palm customized table?

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
by the way, I also want to change the highlight color. Or, draw an image istead of a single color rectangle. Is it possible? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: palm customized table?

2006-08-03 Thread jarlymail
I mean I want to draw the list or table with colors I like. I don't want to use the standard colors. I want to make it more beautiful. Implementing my own list with gadget is quite complicated. So, I want to know if I can customize the style of List or Table, or CList, CGrid, Ctable in POL. Thx

how to draw text with transparent background

2006-08-04 Thread jarlymail
I want to draw image as background on list, then draw text on the image. does anyone know how to draw text with transparent background? thx -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: how to draw text with transparent background

2006-08-04 Thread jarlymail
Thx. Is there anyway i can change the highlight color of list and table? I want to make a menu with icons, text, and draw some images as background of the menu. Can I do this with List or Table? or, do i need to do this with gadget? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, o

Re: how to draw text with transparent background

2006-08-07 Thread jarlymail
Yes, I can create draw function for List or Table. But, the problem is the selection. Palm reverses the background color of the selected row. How can I change the highlight color or draw a image? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://w

Re: how to draw text with transparent background

2006-08-07 Thread jarlymail
The SDK calls the draw function to repaint each row in the List/Table. I found when a selection is made, the SDK doesn't call the draw function. It seems the LstSelectEvent and TblSelectEvent are handled by something else and it does not need my draw function to repaint the list. If I draw somet

Re: how to draw text with transparent background

2006-08-07 Thread jarlymail
can i set row height of a List? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

How to download image and display it

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
I want to download image from server and display it in my application. does palm support conversion from png or jpg to bitmap? How can I create a image on palm and display it? thanks -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.

create and draw image

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
I have png/jpg/bmp image data as a byte array. How can I create a bitmaptype or anything that can be displayed on screen? thx -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: create and draw image

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
I am really new to palm. can u give me an example how to convert byte array into a image. thanks -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: create and draw image

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
forgot to mention, the bytearray contains whole jpeg image -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: create and draw image

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
pnojpglib requires extra library to be installed onto palm. I can not ask everyone to do this. Is there any way to create image with image libs. Is it possible to hold the image in memory as a chunk and point to it with a MemPtr. Then, draw it with Err ImageLibDrawJPEG ( UInt16 libRef, Me

Re: create and draw image

2006-08-08 Thread jarlymail
thx. I think I got what you mean. correct me if i am wrong. Use function in image lib to open the image database and put the image pointed by MemPtr into the database. Then, read the image back from the database and display it. I guess this should work fine with jpegs. what can i do with PNGs?

available api on device

2006-08-11 Thread jarlymail
How can I find out all the libraries on devices. Is there any website or document of this. Or, in the other way, how can I know all the devices that a library is available on it. PalmSource and PalmOne confuse me a lot. The lastest SDK on PalmSource is Palm OSĀ® Garnet(5.4). The lastest Palm SDK

palmonephoto and image?

2006-08-11 Thread jarlymail
is palmonephoto and image libraries availabe on treo 600? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

jpeg on treo600

2006-08-11 Thread jarlymail
I found that Treo600 doesn't have PalmPhotoLib. And I doubt if it has ImageLib on it. Is there any other library on Treo600 for JPEG images? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: palmonephoto and image?

2006-08-14 Thread jarlymail
I need to display some jpeg images on Treo600 and Treo650 and maybe some later devices. How can I do this on 600 without an Image/Photo library? Thanks -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Re: available api on device

2006-08-14 Thread jarlymail
Thanks for your reply. How can I find out the libraries in a rom? Is there documents? -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/

Problem updating to v.5.2.1

2006-08-14 Thread jarlymail
I was using Palm SDK v5.1. My app compiled and excuted fine. I downloaded v.5.2.1 headers today. I copied the incs dir to my codewarrior dir and overwrote the old incs dir. I rebuilt the buildall. Then, when I built my app again in codewarrior, it reports errors like below. Error : declaratio

change app name in codewarrior

2006-08-17 Thread jarlymail
Hi, I created a POL X application in Codewarrior with Object Library For Palm OS stationary. The application is called POLstarter all the time. Can I change it to something else and how? thanks -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www

instance of

2006-08-23 Thread jarlymail
java has "instance of" key word and getClass() method to check the Class of an object. Is there anything similar in palm SDK? I want to put objects of two classes in a hash table. when I retrieve objects from the hash, how can I tell the class of each object? thanks -- For information on usin

Re: instance of

2006-08-24 Thread jarlymail
RTTI? ok, thanks, i will have a look at it. -- For information on using the PalmSource Developer Forums, or to unsubscribe, please see http://www.palmos.com/dev/support/forums/