Mike wrote:
more Palm Constructor 1.9 horrors!  the palm resource file for my app is
corrupt (AGAIN).  it opens with no resources and won't work until i restore
from a backup.  see how it looks when i open the file in attached GIF.

my wish is to know why this is happening and how to prevent it.

i hear that the constructor doesn't work well when the file contains more
than about 2700 resources.  mine has about 1000 (from the resource header
file) and is increasingly regularly going corrupt as shown in attached GIF.
what's the best way to make resources today for use with Code Warrior 9?

- had tried pilrc but it seems as frail as palm constructor.  maybe just bad
luck?  as i speak pilrc has about 30 access violation errors stacked up on

If I were doing a Palm project and there was no need to be compatible
with others developers' tools (or philosophies), I would lean towards
just using pilrc directly and editing the pilrc input file by hand
with a text editor.  Here's why:

1)  It takes a text file as input.  I'm pretty sure there's no reason
    for it to open the file for write access.  Therefore, it's VERY
    unlikely to trash your carefully-built resource input file.

2)  It's open source, so if it does crash on something critical, you
    stand a chance of being able to fix it, rather than just wringing
    your hands.

3)  Although having no visual editor might seem less productive, it's
    a heck of a lot simpler, and if you're good with a text editor,
    it might be just as productive in many situations, especially for
    someone who (like me) has never truly gotten the hang of using
    a mouse[1].

4)  Somewhat incidentally, text files are more compatible with many
    source code control systems than one gigantic binary file is.

Of course, that's just my opinion.  By the way, when I've used pilrc
on Mac OS X (compiled from source), I've never seen it crash.  I
wonder if it's something about the Windows build or if it's an older
version (than 3.2) or something like that.  And if so, is it safe to
replace the CodeWarrior pilrc with your own?  I would think so, but
it's something to be clear on before you proceed.  :-)

  - Logan

[1] One of the things I've always loved about the Palm (other than
    the streamlined, no-BS GUI) is that it has a pen instead of a
    mouse.  It's hard to express how much better an input the pen
    is.  Being able to indicate X and Y directly, rather than delta-X
    and delta-Y as with a mouse, is infinitely superior because the
    input you must give the machine to achieve your objective is not
    a function of the pointer's state, which means you could literally
    do it with your eyes closed if you wanted to.

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