Here is the scenario, and it is very specificly on a Treo 650 CDMA 

I use AlmSetProcAlarm to call a procedure at a specific time.
The procedure basically plays a tone over and over again, until interrupted.
e = SysLibLoad(tonesLibType, tonesLibCreator, &nLibRefNum);
if( ( ! e ) && (nLibRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) )
  e = TonesLibOpen(nLibRefNum);
  if( ! e )
      e = TonesLibPlayTone(nLibRefNum, oToneId, 1, toneVolume5, 
toneVibrateNone, true);
      if( ! e )
          e = sndErrInterrupted;
        } // if(EvtSysEventAvail(true))
      } // if( ! e ) from TonesLibPlayTone
    } // do
    while( ! e );
  } // if( ! e ) From TonesLibOpen
} // if( ( ! e ) && (nLibRefNum != sysInvalidRefNum) ) from SysLibLoad

Everything works fine until the tone is playing, and a caller calls into the 
phone, and then the caller disconnects (not the callee) before it is answered. 
When this happens, the screen stays up that the call is coming in, and I can 
switch between the anser/hangup buttons...but when I select either of them, 
nothing happens. I have traed into the code, and it goes into 
TonesLibPlayTone...but never comes back out.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? The Attention Manager does not seem to 
have this problem, so I assume I am doing something wrong...

Thanks for any help. 
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