For those of you who are using my jpeg compression/decompression ARMlets, I
just wanted you to know that there has been a bugfix. The bug was causing a
small (1 bit) loss of precision in the green component of the decompressed
images. This was discovered by Steve Bennett, who also made a small
improvement in the compression code. The updated ARMlets can be found at

Thank you, Steve.

Since they have been released, the jpeg ARMlets have been downloaded by a
number of people who have apparently found them useful, despite their
limitations. The latter pertain not so much to quality of the code as to
lack of documentation and poor organization of the sources.  I have not yet
found the time to correct these problems despite my best intentions (Really,
I'm not just lazy; I am a physician in my day job and have two small
children.)  If anyone would like to help out with this open source project,
I'd be more than happy to "legitimize" things by moving the project to
sourceforge, etc.

Regards to all,

Matthew Fleming

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