Mon Jun 22 03:17:49 2009: Request 47209 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by
       Queue: Module-ScanDeps
     Subject: Re: [ #47209] Missing dependencies with Tk::Widget -> 
setPalette() (patch)
   Broken in: 0.90
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

Roderich Schupp via RT schrieb:

> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Lamprecht Christoph via RT
> <> wrote:
>> M::SD misses some dependencies in the Tk Library. This is due to Tk's
>> dynamically loading of some of the core widgets in this case, which
>> hides their constructor from M::SD.
>> Patch attached.
> Reading the source of setPalette (in Tk/ this patch
> misses a few widgets. It should look like:

> +            if (/->\s*setPalette/g) {
> +                push @modules, map { "Tk/$_pm" } qw(Button Canvas
> Checkbutton Entry
> +
>     Frame Label Labelframe Listbox
> +
>     Menubutton Menu Message Radiobutton
> +
>     Scale Scrollbar Spinbox Text)
> +            }
>              return \...@modules;
>          }
>          return;

Hi Roderich,

thanks for taking a look - and for catching the 'while' ;)
the Modules I didn't include in the list are getting picked up anyway in 
presence of 'use Tk':

Cheers, Christoph

 >echo "use Tk;" >

 >scandeps | grep Tk
'Tk::ColorEditor'       => '4.010',
'Tk::DirTree'           => '4.019',
'Tk::Event'             => '4.019',
'Tk::FBox'              => '4.019',
'Tk::Config'            => '804.028',
'Tk::Image'             => '4.011',
'Tk::MainWindow'        => '4.013',
'Tk::Widget'            => '4.033',
'Tk::Submethods'        => '4.005',
'Tk::Canvas'            => '4.012',
'Tk::Optionmenu'        => '4.014',
'Tk::Scale'             => '4.004',
'Tk::Pretty'            => '4.006',
'Tk::Pixmap'            => '4.004',
'Tk::Menubutton'        => '4.005',
'Tk::Menu'              => '4.023',
'Tk::DialogBox'         => '4.015',
'Tk::Tree'              => '4.72',
'Tk::Event::IO'         => '4.008',
'Tk::IconList'          => '4.007',
'Tk::LabEntry'          => '4.006',
'Tk::Dialog'            => '4.005',
'Tk::Button'            => '4.010',
'Tk::Listbox'           => '4.014',
'Tk::Toplevel'          => '4.006',
'Tk::widgets'           => '4.005',
'Tk::Wm'                => '4.015',
'Tk::Frame'             => '4.010',
'Tk::Configure'         => '4.008',
'Tk::Derived'           => '4.010',
'Tk::Entry'             => '4.017',
'Tk::Clipboard'         => '4.008',
'Tk::CmdLine'           => '4.007',
'Tk::Menu::Item'        => '4.005',
'Tk::Radiobutton'       => '4.006',
'Tk::HList'             => '4.015',
'Tk::Adjuster'          => '4.008',
'Tk::After'             => '4.007',
'Tk::Checkbutton'       => '4.006',
'Tk::Scrollbar'         => '4.010',
'Tk::Label'             => '4.006',
'Tk::DummyEncode'       => '4.007',
'Tk'                    => '804.028',
'Tk::FileSelect'        => '4.017',

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