I've been trying to make pp executables out of some small perl scripts I've written and I've found that any that have a GUI have the following problem: they fail if any command lines arguments are given, or if they are launched from the OS X GUI (by double clicking, for example) rather than from the command line. All fail with this error:

RegisterProcess failed (error = -50)

This happens whether they use Wx for the user interface, or something as simple as the MacPerl module (unrelated to Wx; has some simple routines for pop-up messages).

If no command line arguments are supplied, the applications run just fine. "error -50" is an Apple error about an "error in user parameter list."

These problems only occur for scripts with GUIs -- console-type scripts do not exhibit this behavior and can handle arguments just fine.

This isn't a problem with "resource flags" either: the errors are identical whether I've added the appropriate GUI resource flags to the executable or not.

Anybody else experienced this? Any ideas what might be causing it? I wouldn't mind the lack of command-line args so much if that same deficiency didn't appear to shoot down any possibility of creating double-clickable executables as well.

Both of my test systems are using Mac OS X 10.4.7, Perl 5.8.6 and PAR 0.952. I've been using the -n option with pp because perl and Wx are installed by default on OS X and the scripts are otherwise self-contained.


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