Archangel Michael - THE HOST
  Channelled by Edwin Courtenay
  No. 4.  April 2006
  The Earth journeys through great change, a change which transpires on many 
different levels, affecting the physical body of the Earth and its people, a 
fact affecting their mental perspective of the world and affecting their 
emotional reaction to it also.  Spiritual change is also rife at this moment in 
time, with many people questioning the ways of their religion and seeking 
something new; a greater clarity of understanding that will enable them to feel 
more satisfied in regards to the questions that they ask concerning the 
perspective that the Divine holds in regards to the unfoldments on the planet 
at this time.  All times of change bringing chaos and confusion, bring darkness 
and misery, bring sadness and despair.  Change is not painless and the motions 
that are set into play that bring about the changes that are required are often 
violent and bloody.  But sometimes as a result of the metamorphosis that 
transpires there is an undercurrent, a dark potential that rises
 and seeks to swallow the ultimate light that can be achieved as a result of 
the transformation itself and it is this dark current that we come to speak of 
today, that we raise our concerns over, so that mankind may recognise it and 
prevent it from flourishing. 
  Each religion that exists upon the planet holds a piece of truth, a seed of 
understanding, which when combined together provide mankind with a greater 
picture of the Divine Presence and nature.  Each religion that exists, however, 
also contains beliefs which are not accurate or true; beliefs that have been 
founded upon true words spoken thousands of years ago which have lost their 
meaning or become unrecognisable in the interpretation of their essence and 
truth.  Often religions labouring under these false impressions will seek to 
reinforce the doctrine that they believe to be real, flowing against the order 
of the Divine, the right action of the universe and sometimes fighting, 
destroying and killing in order to affirm their spiritual viewpoint, their 
spiritual belief, their dogma and their creed.  At this moment in time in your 
world there are religions who fight wars, who commit terrorism in the name of 
the Divine.  People who take lives in order to affirm and
 establish what they consider to be the will of God.  These people are not 
judged by the Divine but the Divine grieves for the way in which its truth has 
been lost and perverted by the little will of men who seek to draw closer to 
the Divine Presence by fighting for divine principles which are in truth 
nonexistent and unreal.  These people, looked upon with suspicion and 
prejudice, with judgement and fear by the rest of the world are considered to 
be an anathema to the true nature of divine presence and accord and have become 
alienated by all other societies who do not share their religious perspective 
or cannot condone their intense actions.  They have become viewed as butchers 
and barbarians within the globe. 
  The Divine sees them as misguided.  Individuals whose hearts are aligned to 
what they believe to be true, who have become convinced that there is no other 
way to affirm the Divine’s will other than through these bloody wars of 
vengeance.  The Divine sees them as lost.  The Divine sees them as beings who 
are desperate to please God, to align the world to God’s will.  The Divine sees 
them as individuals of an extreme nature who in their own way are doing no more 
and no less than any other spiritual person would do to share and impress the 
divine principles upon the planet.  The Divine loves them as it loves all 
beings, unconditionally and non-judgementally and seeks to guide them in time 
back towards the ultimate light of truth. 
  The Divine’s concern, and our concern also, is the perspective that has been 
adopted by the rest of the world.  This dark hatred, this persecution which is 
not only aimed at those extremists who commit these acts but all those who 
would fall under the banner of their religion, even those whose acts are not 
extreme or whose beliefs are not so dictatorial in nature.  These individuals 
have also become the targets for the rest of the world’s dark glare and this 
prejudice, this persecution, threatens the greater global harmony that is the 
ultimate aim of the Earth’s shift and change at this moment in time.  The 
Divine fears that mankind will ostracise and exorcise these people.  That it 
will cast them all out and mark them all as a potential threat against world 
peace.  The Divine fears that mankind out of their fear will seek to expunge 
them from the planet.  To destroy any trace of their presence or their religion 
on Earth.  Such attempts have been made before by misguided
 and lost individuals and races which have sought to destroy opposing religious 
cultures out of fear.  The Divine had hoped that mankind had learnt the 
lessons, the mistakes that were made by these people but fears now that these 
memories have been suppressed and that because the globe looks upon these 
extremists as villains because of the actions of a few of them that they would 
justify such extreme actions that they themselves might take to destroy such 
people on Earth. 
  I am Michael, the Archangel of fire, the Archangel of the South, the hero and 
warrior of God.  I have been known in the past as the justice bringer, the 
angel of vengeance and redemption, the holder of the scales of equilibrium who 
brings balance to situations of injustice and chaos and disharmony.  I have 
been chosen to bring forward this message and other messages of a similar 
nature in order to express the Divine’s perspective of justice, of vengeance, 
of right action in this situation; to try and ensure that extreme actions are 
not taken that will endanger in time the very fabric of mankind’s society and 
push the world into a greater state of suppression and fear than it has ever 
known before.  It falls to the spiritually minded to be open to adopting the 
perception of the Divine in this matter and sharing this perception with others 
who might more easily be swept along by the public consensus.  It falls to the 
spiritually minded to recognise and see that those people
 in the world who hold a different religious perspective must not become looked 
upon as the enemy but embraced as friends who are unique and different.  It 
falls to the spiritually minded to ensure that those races, those cultures and 
religions that contain within them minorities who are extreme in their 
endeavours to try to maintain the purity of their religious perspective, are 
not destroyed, are not persecuted, are not ostracised, are not stamped out but 
are given the courage, the acceptance and forgiveness so that they may right 
the wrongs that exist within their own communities, rebalance the imbalance 
that exists within their religion and their culture themselves.  It falls to 
the spiritually minded to send out into the world the light of the Divine, the 
unconditional, loving light of compassion that will enable all those who have 
become lost to find their way home again. 
  Throughout history, mankind has relied upon those enigmatic leaders who would 
guide the consciousness of its people towards a spiritual vision.  Mankind, who 
in general has no great feeling or connection with the Divine, needing someone 
to show them the way has often given their power to those who present 
themselves as being a direct ___expression of the divine truth.  Individuals 
who claim that they are in contact with the divine will.  The answer lies then 
not in the rebirth of new enigmatic leaders but in ensuring that each and every 
person finds their own way of aligning with the divine accord, with spiritual 
truth.  The answer lies in trying to aid each and every person in connecting 
with the light of the Source, empowering themselves, awakening their 
discernment, discovering their own internal truth and by so doing setting 
themselves free.  To this end we detail a prayer that can be added to any 
service, to any absent healing, that can be spoken in groups or
 individually, to aid in this act.  We hope that you, each and every one of 
you, will say it so that you can contribute through this simple act of blessing 
to the brighter transformation of the world, so that you can contribute to the 
building of racial, cultural and religious harmony that is required in order 
for the Earth to endure, to survive, to transform, to carry on.  Here then is 
the prayer: 
  “Divine Source of all light and life, great eternal and infinite energy and 
consciousness which transcends all understanding, which transcends all 
definition.  We call upon the power of your blessing and your grace and ask 
that you use us as living conduits through which this light may shower forth 
into the Earth.  Into the minds and hearts and spirits of men and women 
everywhere, into their bodies, into their homes, into their loves and lives, 
into their cultures and their religions.  A light that will enable them to find 
their way back to you, a light that will enable them to recognise the power of 
their own discernment, their inner divinity that will set them free.  A light 
that will enable them to know that there is a greater truth and a greater truth 
lies within.  A light that will enable them to see and know with all surety 
that they are the Divine in embryo.  Divine Source we call upon your power to 
inspire us with religious, cultural tolerance and harmony.  We
 call upon your power to inspire us with hope.  To grant us the power to 
forgive those few who in blindness and desperation commit acts of dark 
atrocity.  We call upon your wisdom to inspire us so that we may see that these 
people are not the races that they are part of but simply individuals, members 
of a minority that have lost their way.  Let then these truths, this light, 
this power, radiate outwards from us and inspire the world to a brighter 
tomorrow.  For the greater good of all and to harm none, in perfect love and 
perfect trust we ask that this is so.  So mote it be.” 
  Some may say that there is judgement in acknowledging that one way is wrong 
and another way is right.  What some do at this moment in time on Earth opposes 
the natural flow of the divine order.  The Divine is a presence of love and 
light and truth.  Granted there are aspects of the Divine nature which are 
dark, which are part of the process and cycles of death and chaos, but the 
Divine, a being of light and truth, cannot be exposed, cannot be expounded, 
cannot be revealed, strengthened or vilified through acts of death and 
destruction.  The Divine cannot be enforced upon the hearts of men, its ways 
and truths applied under duress.  The Divine is a path that mankind chooses to 
take.  The Divine is a presence which is revealed gently, with slow 
realisation, through personal choice and recognition.  True religion cannot be 
forced upon anyone but is something that in time we grow to see to be the 
truth.  The Divine does not exercise judgement here but simply reveals that that
 we all know to be so.  Tolerance, love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding 
and truth - these must become the words of mankind’s mantra for peace.  Let 
this then be so.  Amen. 
  Distributed by Carole Humber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Tel: 020 8337 4122. | 
Website  **
*Excerpted from: The Light Circle Ezine a Newsletter Egroup.(c) 2005
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