The Deception: Manmade Crop Circles
Diane: As I was surfing the web for information about the 2001 crop circles, I 
noticed that your name has been circulating through the rumormill as of late.

Colin: Yes and it is so unfortunate. The more I insist on keeping away from it 
the worse my position is, because it gives the impression that I'm elitist and 
can't follow through with my evidence. And my lack of response may have that 
appearance. Nonetheless, I just don't want to engage in that kind of negativity.

I also have to say that there is a lot of dishonesty out there. If we are 
really serious about getting to the bottom of such an extraordinary mystery as 
the crop circle phenomenon, then honesty is of paramount importance. It's so 
easy to fool ourselves. I, too, have fallen into that trap. I've certainly been 
absorbed by the possibilities that exist in every circle ever discovered. But I 
know also that the mere fact that a crop circle starts out as a mystery doesn't 
mean it will end up being the real thing. One can get absorbed. Vision becomes 
clouded so easily.

Diane: I'm sure you're right. But overall it is quite interesting when you see 
the wide range of people who have been drawn into this phenomenon, from the 
hoaxers of the world, like "Doug and Dave,"[1] to researchers like yourself. 
One has to ask why such a wide range of individuals is being attracted. Who or 
what is behind their motivation?

Colin: Exactly right. I feel such privilege and honor to have been given this 
opportunity. I didn't go out looking for this — it just happened that I found 
myself involved in it. And I can stand back after eighteen years and see what 
an opportunity this has been to observe, from the inside, an extraordinary 
thing that is occurring.

I've seen all the human weaknesses and strengths that have come to bear as time 
has elapsed. We began with three regular guys — two coming from science, and 
the third a meteorologist who basically just "dropped in" to the phenomenon and 
drew it to the public's attention. And there have been layer upon layer of 
intelligence agencies checking this out — although I have to say that I've only 
been directly approached twice, but have intuitively felt their presence from 
time to time.

I've seen a lot as time has gone on — some of it very disconcerting and some of 
it very uplifting. It has been an extraordinary human experience, and I do 
think that those words "human experience" express the bottom line. We have to 
embrace every element of the phenomenon in order to get its full worth.

Certainly there was a time when hoaxing did not occur. But now it does. We see 
how the mystery attracted "Doug and Dave" and those like them. And the 
immediate question is, why? What motivates people to do such a thing.

By their own admission to John MacNish from BBC Television (who went undercover 
to investigate the Doug and Dave incidents, and who was dumbfounded when he 
heard this), "But you know, it's as if something makes us do it." Doug Bowers 
was acknowledging this, and his partner, Dave Chorley, concurred. They both 
felt that there was something within them — something outside of their 
character, outside of who they were as people — it was as if they were prompted 
at a deeper level to get out and do this.

I've heard that kind of thing coming from just about everyone out there that 
the public doesn't see — the other people that are making counterfeit circles. 
So I don't think we "get" the entire picture if we simply deny these people a 
voice, if we just simply say, "you're lying." I believe they have credible 
experiences in their own right.

Not to my credit, of course. But I've been spending so many years with this, 
and it's only been during the last few that I've been open to talking to people 
who I had perceived initially to be deceptive, dishonorable, and dishonest — in 
other words, those that were making crop circles to fool people like myself and 
the public. But then I felt that I should open my door and be prepared, first 
of all, to listen. To ask why. Very important! Unless we get answers to the 
whys, we don't see the entire picture.

I started to literally phone these people. And I've now met quite a number of 
them confidentially, and I'm getting a picture that fits the equation I looked 
at before I opened the door to them. Again, this is a "human experience." This 
was meant to happen, and it's coming on two fronts. The first is those humans 
who are "inspired" to make the circles. And the other front is the "something 
else" that is interacting authentically.

We don't know who the "real" circle makers are. But there is certainly 
compelling evidence that whatever the source is, it is intelligent. It knows 
what it's doing. This isn't a random placement of nature.

When I and Pat Delgado, who had just finished the Mariner Project for NASA, 
joined forces and starting researching this phenomenon, we wrote the book 
Circular Evidence"[2] and put this subject into the public domain. From that 
moment on, you could say, we kicked ourselves in the teeth, because we had 
introduced to the public this dynamic focus and potential of possibilities. So 
now we weren't the only people on the planet wondering what the heck was going 
on. Suddenly there was TV, and millions of people, asking the same questions.

We were, I hope, acting as beacons of light and the disseminators of 
information. And, indeed, we felt a deep responsibility. It was important for 
us to be totally up front and not to be brought into any particular camp, 
agency, or business, but simply to be the public's front. We were very 
conscious of that.

But, it did have its downside. We started seeing more and more people making 
crop circles that were obviously and notably fakes. A couple of young guys, for 
instance, might have a pint of beer and run out into a field and have a go at 
it. These attempts were, and still are, very obvious. Even youngsters can spot 

Then there are those who have become much more professional and successful in 
replicating extraordinary, accurate designs. Indeed there are some designs that 
I would hold up my hand to say couldn't be made by humans — setting myself up, 
of course, because now people are going to great pains to replicate features 
that I had hitherto believed could not be replicated.

There are two questions to ask. One, who are these people? What is the profile 
of a determined individual who is trying to replicate or construct a crop 
circle. And two, the big question, Why?

I notice there are not a lot of people out there, and certainly not the media, 
who are asking that second question. I don't think people are quite able to 
deal with the answer. If it hadn't been for John MacNish spending quality time 
with Doug and Dave, we might never have received that little bit when they 
said, "This doesn't feel like us."

Diane: Please give me an understanding of what happened during the Doug and 
Dave incidents.

Colin: This story offers a precise example of the level of media distortion 
that exists out there, and the fact that at least in this case the distortion 
is knowingly perpetrated — that's the unforgivable part.

In September of 1991, Doug Bowers and Dave Chorley approached the Today 
national newspaper, in England, saying they were responsible for all the crop 
circles, and requesting a fee for their story. The fee (and I had this 
confirmed) was 10,000 UK pounds paid to them in two parts, 5,000 upon 
publication and 5,000 some months later. So money was involved. I think it is 
important to say that.

The Today newspaper sent out a journalist for a week. And at the end of that 
week the journalist, with a photographer and, indeed, with Doug and Dave 
themselves, arrived at the home of my co-author and co-researcher at that time, 
Pat Delgado, and said that they had something they wanted to discuss. They went 
into the house, and Pat Delgado, after a few moments of listening, got on the 
phone to me saying that this meeting was very important and that I really 
should come over immediately — which I did.

By the time I arrived, they had already spent several hours together, and it 
was made clear to me that I was not there by invitation as far as the newspaper 
was concerned.

As I listened to Doug and Dave's story, it became clear to me that what they 
were saying was no threat to me personally because my name was not going to be 
mentioned. It did become increasingly clear, however, that in the story to be 
written by the reporter the next morning, Pat Delgato was going to be made to 
look extremely foolish.

You also have to know that I was very interested in what was being said because 
just the week before I had given up a very well-paying job within the British 
government to take on this research on a full-time basis. I had no idea how I 
was going to fund my work except for the royalties of the first book. So you 
can imagine the impact these men's words had on me.

The reporter had apparently asked Pat to go and have a look at a new crop 
circle which had just arrived in a field not too far from his house. Pat went 
there, and he dowsed it and was duly impressed. Apparently, a helicopter was 
hovering nearby, filming, and when the reporter allowed him to see the circle 
that Doug and Dave had constructed, those two men appeared from behind the 
bushes. And Pat was totally devastated. Doug and Dave, along with the Today 
newspaper, had set him up.

So upon hearing this story, I forced my way in and asked Dave Bowers — and this 
is the bottom line here — "You know the cover of our book, Circular Evidence ?"

"Yes," he said. "We made all of those on that site."

So I said to Pat, "Do you have a pen and paper?" Pat and I had spent many hours 
studying the plants in the Celtic Cross that appeared on the cover of our book, 
and we actually never did reveal its location to the public because the farmer 
didn't want a lot of people there.

In this circle, the plants were lying radially across the actual ring. So in 
other words, rather than lying in sympathy with the flow, as you would expect 
the plants to be if they had been flattened with a wooden plank, these were 
laying at 90 degrees radially straight out.

I drew the ring that connected the four satellites that connected the Celtic 
Cross around the central circle. I drew this design, and then I asked Doug how 
they had made it.

There was this stony, icy silence. Nobody talked. The journalist stopped taking 
notes, and Doug looked at Dave, and he had nothing to offer. And he looked back 
again, and he looked down. And then he looked at me and said, "We didn't make 
that one."

I then looked at the journalist and said, "I hope you're going to print this. I 
hope you're going to cover the niggling doubts I have that these men aren't 
being totally up front with you."

Of course, they didn't print that part. The media knew these people had told 
lies — at least on this particular design — and nothing was said. So, 
knowingly, the world was introduced to Doug and Dave the very next morning, and 
they have been part of the controversy ever since.

Diane: Well, that sounds like a normal media extravaganza — not made for the 
truth but to entertain.

Colin: Well, for certain it had been cast in stone, and nothing Colin Andrews 
had to say was going to change it. The big story appeared only twelve hours 

Then A&E and the Discovery Channel created a much more disgraceful attempt to 
further muddy the waters.

In spring of 1995, I was asked by A&E to do an interview for yet another 
television documentary on crop circles. I agreed and I went down to 
Philadelphia for the interview. The researcher seemed to be a very pleasant 
woman and quite thorough. I did my interview. Nothing seemed to be out of 
place. It seemed to be very fair. I was asked questions and I gave very 
straight answers.

Then I got a call when I was back home in Connecticut from a woman by the name 
of Mary Benjamin, from Greystone, the company that was putting this together 
for A&E. She telephoned and said, "What we would like to have is a little bit 
of input from the skeptical side," which was fair — I like that balance. She 
asked me who might have some television footage which would cover the Doug and 
Dave side of the story.

Right away, I thought of John MacNish, whom I have already referred to. John 
spent part of his life with the BBC, and now had his own television production 
company. He had for many years shot aerial footage of the circles, and was the 
one who did the undercover work on Doug and Dave. I figured he was the man to 
help them, so I gave Mary Benjamin his contact information.

When I began to watch the show on the night that it was aired, I felt that the 
program had been set up very nicely. I was on first, and they used me to 
introduce phenomenon, discussing the points that support the occurrence of 
something unusual.

The show ran nicely all the way through. And then — in approximately the last 5 
minutes — the program suddenly turned on its head. Five minutes from the end of 
the program, they said, "A British television company staked out the fields of 
Southern England, and to their amazement, look what they discovered!"

And what they "discovered" — with low-light cameras — was Doug and Dave making 
a crop circle. And the program's parting shot was, "Well, mystery resolved!" 
You see film footage of these two old men making a crop circle, and the 
narrator is saying, "But you probably knew this anyway." End of program.

I was furious. Because they had shown a lie. I immediately got in touch with 
John MacNish and said, "John I know that footage was yours — I've seen it many 

He said, "Yes, it was."

I said, "What's the story with this? They said that you had staked out the 
fields and, to your amazement, this is what you found. But you told me before — 
and please, is this true? — that you paid Doug and Dave. You went to their 
home, and picked them up in your vehicle with your film crew, and went to a 
field, and filmed them with low-light cameras making a circle. You said you did 
this to get footage that you could sell to the media for money in the future. 
Is that true?"

He said, "Yes, that is true."

Then I asked, "Why did A&E say that you had 'staked out the fields' and 
discovered the circle-makers of Southern England 'to your amazement'?" This is 
an absolute lie. It gives the impression these guys were out there making 
circles and you just happened to find them, when in fact you asked them to make 
the circle and paid them to do it."

I told John that I wanted to call A&E right away and conference them in, so 
that he could confirm this to them. But he said, "They know this."

I said, "What do you mean they know this?"

He said, "I told them this when I sold them the footage. They wanted it to put 
a spin on the phenomenon."

I said, "That is completely unacceptable. That is an outright lie. They are 
deliberately contaminating the phenomenon in the eyes of the American people, 
and I'm going to do something about it!"

But I'm one small man. All I was able to do was encourage the readers of my 
newsletter to call Mary Benjamin to confirm what I am now telling you, and to 
ask for another story to "revisit" this situation.

It was disgraceful. It was an absolute attempt to dissuade the public from 
believing anything real is happening in the fields. You can probably feel the 
anger in my voice even now. I just despise the lack of responsibility in the 
international media.

But happily the story has not dissuaded the research and curiosity that still 
continues in large force around the world.

  The Reality: Genuine Crop Circles
Diane: I understand you've been working with dowsers and measuring the 
electromagnetic effects of the crop circles. Tell me about that.

Colin: Dowsers have been working with the phenomenon for at least the past 15 
years. They will walk into the circle from the standing crop using the 
unaffected crops as the control area. They will then walk up the tram lines or 
the tire tracks that are left from sowing the seed, which provide convenient 
access points into that part of the field.

As they walk, they tune themselves to the movement of energy. In other words, 
they are looking for energy boundaries from one point to the next registered by 
movement in the dowsing rods. This is potentiality.

They aren't looking for water, or fluidity, or solid mass. They walk up the 
tram lines with zero response, a little waver here and there, until they hit 
the extremity of the crop circle. And in every single circle where I've 
witnessed dowsing, from simple to complex designs, the dowsing rods will then 
move in the direction of the flow of the plants. In other words, if the plants 
are spiraled counterclockwise, the rods will move in the same direction, 
exactly on the circumference.

As the dowser walks across the profile of the circle, walking across the 
flattened area, they will get seven equally spaced responses — perfect 
concentric rings equally spaced.

In aerial photographs taken from higher than 500 to 600 feet above ground 
level, we can physically see that the plants within the circle have modified 
themselves into a growth pattern attempting to get the head of the plant 
pointed back up to the light in a vertical position. These are also growing in 
seven concentric ring patterns (click on picture at left to see a full diagram 
of this process).

So we have dowsers telling us that something is registering, and we have plants 
that are growing in specific growth patterns.

To make matters more interesting, we contacted a fellow by the name of Masahiro 
Kahata, a man who designed and constructed a marvelous piece of technology to 
measure brainwave activity for many hospitals around the world. He was kind 
enough to come to England for three years in a row, and we measured the 
brainwave activity of the dowsers doing this work, as well as that of people 
off the street — both believers and nonbelievers.

What we found, measuring with a computer real-time in the fields, was that the 
right brainwave activity of the dowser, at the precise moment those seven rings 
were measured and reacted to by the dowsing rods, spiked in all the brainwave 
frequencies — alpha, theta, beta, and delta — at the precise moment the dowsing 
rods moved (click on picture at right to see blowup of brainwave chart).

Diane: Wow!

Colin: It should be headline news.

Recently we've had a new development, one of the three new extraordinary 
designs that appeared late this past summer.

One was a rectangle that gave what appeared to be a response to the Arecibo 
Radio Telescope message that went out from Puerto Rico in 1971. It appeared 
next to a Ministry of Defense Radio Telescope in England 

Another one, that appeared next to it, was composed of circles — but in a 
gridded matrix network. From the ground, the formation appeared to be circles 
in various sizes; extraordinary, in the field. But from an aircraft, there was 
very clearly a face.

The third, which for a number of reasons is more important, was a vast spiraled 
galaxy arrangement on a hill not very far from Stonehenge called Milk Hill. On 
the top of the hill, it covered an area of 700,000 square feet: 409 individual 
circles, some of them as large as 72 feet, filled the entire field, with one 
circle in the center. It was vast. It was extraordinarily accurate. And, 
indeed, from our aerial vantage point I was able to see that it was made with a 
different hand, so to speak. Let me explain.

Some three years ago, I did work for Lawrence Rockefeller. I was acting as a 
consultant to him, doing my own work. I was not asked to go in any particular 
direction. He just approached me asking if he could help. I said, "Most 
certainly you can help. We need to accelerate certain areas of understanding, 
one of which is to know the profiles of people that are admittedly making crop 
circles." So with his money I engaged private detective agencies, and we began 
looking at individuals and the hoaxing activities.

What we learned is that there are characteristics that we can observe with 
aerial photography that are consistent with those we know are manmade.

The characteristics we saw on Milk Hill, however, were different from these. 
This was a vast design, more complex than we had ever seen before, that did not 
have the combing affect visible with all of the manmade methods that we have 
looked at and have proven exist.

So with that, I flew back to England, and looked very closely at these three 
particular designs, focusing on Milk Hill particularly.

I was walking with my assistant measuring the electrostatic field and the 
Earth's magnetic field across this truly large arrangement. And, quite by 
accident, I left my electrostatic meter on while I was walking across one of 
the circles. I happened to look down at my meter as I was walking, and my meter 
was pulsing. My meter measured, equally spaced, seven electrostatic charges of 
80 volts positive charge.

So now, as further proof that something measurable is happening, I've got the 
electrostatic field pulsing up to a maximum of 80 volts positive potential on 
the same boundaries as we have the brainwave activity, the plant growth, and 
the dowsing which I have spoken of earlier.

This is actually very exciting news, because the scientists that had just 
conducted my preliminary analysis now knew that this was something we could 
sink our teeth into. The readings from the magnetic field were in excess of 150 
percent of what they should be, and the magnetic profile was mirror- imaging 
the crop design itself (see Magnetometer Survey).

This was the first time we were able to spend this much time without public 
interference. Obviously when you have people coming and going wearing glasses 
and holding metal cameras you can't do this kind of sensitive work. But we had 
a bare field to ourselves, and we had staggering results. In scientific terms, 
we can calculate that there are magnetic dipoles, either stationary underground 
or stationary above ground, at approximately 20 feet, that are influencing the 
earth's magnetic field only over the design.

Plant analysis is not my particular area, but W. C. Levengood, a very well 
published biophysicist in America at the Pinelandia Laboratory in Michigan, has 
discovered how the plants in authentic crop circles have changed at the 
cellular anatomic level. He's been looking at plants sent to him from a number 
of continents for at least the past ten years.

Diane: What about UFO activity?

Colin: We've got many films of spheres in excess of fourteen inches, seen by 
day and night, that have appeared. It certainly gives us the feeling that they 
are observing or monitoring the designs. I have no evidence at all that I can 
offer you that these objects have anything to do with the construction of the 
crop circles. I mean, I suppose it is possible that they do, that they are 
connected. But we don't have evidence that they are connected.

But we are very alert to the fact that these spheres are unexplained. We cannot 
as yet explain them in rational scientific terms. But they do appear to be 
moving purposefully. We have to put them in the box called "intelligence" and 
leave it at that for now.

I believe the point for continuing to research the phenomenon of crop circles 
is that there does seem to be interaction between this "intelligence" and 
whomever is involved in research, such as myself, or (as in later years) in 
manufacturing the manmade versions.

Here's a personal example of this interaction — and I think it's a good one, 
because it can be confirmed by at least one other person.

I was flying in a light aircraft over part of Southern England near Winchester 
— the old ancient capital of England before London became the capital, where 
King Arthur ruled.[3] We were flying just southeast of that city in an area 
called Cheesefoot Head, where many of the early crop designs appeared way back 
in the '70s and through the '80s. We would go there regularly.

Busty Taylor, the light-aircraft pilot who still flies for us to this day, was 
piloting us over this particular field, and — both of us remember this so 
clearly — as we were leaving the area heading south toward another site, he 
sort of glanced across at me and said, "You know Colin, it really would be 
quite something if we were to see all the patterns that we've seen over the 
years, all overlaid into one integral design."

I clearly recollect this, because it was an unusual thing to say at that point 
in time.

The very next day, Busty had another researcher from Spain with him, a fellow 
by the name of Omar Fowler, and they were flying over that same field. And when 
the aircraft reached the point where Busty had made that remark the day before, 
the Spanish researcher looked out the window, beyond the patterns they had been 
taking pictures of, and he said, "What's that, Busty?"

Busty looked, and he said his hairs stood on end.

"When I looked under that aircraft where I had said what I said to you the day 
before," he told me, "there it was, everything we had ever seen, all laid into 
one pattern." He and I gave each other a very deep look, and we both knew 
absolutely that there was something else going on here. It appeared to us to be 
paranormal, as if it were a spirit or poltergeist, something that was observing 
or listening and had heard what we had said.

Since then, we've had many, many more interactions that continue to convince me 
that there is an intelligent aspect to this that we should certainly respect 
and acknowledge. If we don't, then we are losing an important part of what this 
is about.

Diane: Yes, because you are talking about the source of "inspiration." I was 
thinking about the tremendous amount of commitment and energy it takes to be a 
hoaxer, for instance. Just as something inspires a painter, so, too, something 
must be inspiring the elaborate designs that are manmade.

Colin: Good point! I have stood with TV cameras and filmed people making them. 
These people are absolutely exhausted when they've made a 70- foot circle. 
We've calculated the number of pounds per square inch required to put down 
plants that are banded together — growing in pods, as they do, 12 seeds per pod 
— and if you're using a meter-wide piece of wood, there is a considerable 
amount of energy involved, and accuracy. The physical exertion required in 
simple designs is enormous.

Then think about the design on Milk Hill. There are 409 circles that were 
created in one night!

The eyewitnesses I've interviewed in many countries over the years have all 
agreed with me on one point: when they claim to have seen circles form, they 
appear in 10 to 15 seconds. So you know that's the real phenomenon.

If we are to postulate that people could be responsible for that huge design on 
top of Milk Hill, we are looking at extraordinary numbers of individuals, who 
would have to have been well practiced, making no mistakes, with perfect 

Not to mention that the artists' canvas is a field of plants. The canvas that 
is chosen is unforgiving. If you make errors in ripened wheat, which is the 
crop for the one on Milk Hill — if you bend one plant over beyond 45 degrees, 
it doesn't come back up, it just stays there. Here you have 409 circles, 
accurately placed into a perfect galaxy design with total precision, covering 
700,000 square feet, created at night, with not one single error that we can 
see from aerial photographs.

That is pushing the realm of human possibility to the nth degree. And I think 
that this is why this particular discovery hit all the national news in 
Britain. There was not a single journalist I spoke to who wasn't duly 
impressed. The hardened skeptics among them were saying, "I don't know how they 
did that" — still thinking, of course, that humans must have done it.

And that's my point. How on Earth did they do it without making a single error?

This pattern was discovered on August 13, and the feeling I get with this 
particular design on the hill is that of completion. Because many of the 
patterns we've seen over the past years are contained within it. They are in an 
extraordinary pattern, and quite beautiful. It occurred on the highest spot in 
Southern England. It is as though we've reached the end of an age, or the end 
of a period of time.

As you know, we are seeing — and I know a lot of native peoples are saying — 
that we've reached the end of an age. There are signs of change all over the 
world, both politically and militarily. Indeed, because of 9/11 we have been 
kicked into a whole new arena which hopefully will bring about a better world 
ultimately. I hope I'm right.

Diane: I do too. Thank you Colin for sharing your stories with us.

Colin: Thanks so much for being interested.

            Colin Andrews is widely acknowledged as the world expert on the 
crop circle phenomenon. He founded Circles Phenomenon Research International, 
the first organization established specifically to investigate the crop circle 
phenomenon, and his scientific investigations are responsible for much of the 
current information available on the subject.

Andrews is an electrical engineer by profession. As a senior officer in the 
British government, he was for three years an government adviser on the crop 
circle phenomenon, supplying technical and scientific reports. As a result of 
his persistence, the subject was raised in the House of Commons.

Colin Andrews became involved in the circle mystery during 1983 when he saw an 
arrangement of five circles in a natural amphitheater near Winchester, England. 
His book Circular Evidence, co-authored with Pat Delgado, became an 
international best seller and was the first book of its type ever chose by 
Queen Elizabeth for her prestigious Summer Reading Listing. A subsequent book, 
Crop Circles; The Latest Evidence (1990), was equally successful.

He has consulted for several European research institutions, for well-known 
anthropologist and NY congressman Laurence Rockefeller, and for crop circle 
films and videos. He urges the need for openness and honesty in both 
governmental and private research.

Colin Andrews is currently active in promoting environmental awareness and 
education, as well as in continuing his crop circle research to a conclusion.

For more information, check out CropCircleConnector and Colin Andrews's Circles 
Phenomen Research page, or write to Colin Andrews at P.O. Box 3378, Branford, 
CT 06405-1978.


   Doug and Dave — On the morning of January 3, 1999, the British BBC 
Television's "County File" was devoted to a remarkable program. In it, Douglas 
Bower, from Southampton, England, confessed that he and some friends had 
started the crop circle phenomenon as an elaborate hoax. On the program, Bower 
demonstrated how he and friends used a simple wooden plank and some rope to 
create a complicated crop circle pattern in a farmer's field. Douglas Bower and 
David Chorley first admitted to producing the hoax crop circles as early as 
   Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of Flattened Swirled Crop 
Phenomena by Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews, paperback (December 1995). Check 
out for more information.   
   Experts differ as to the exact location of Arthur's domain, or even whether 
he actually existed at all. [Ed.] 

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