Assuming for the moment that each quad 4-tuple is a finite element
that contains one or more tire reinforcement items, and that each
quad 4-tuple is "sandwiched" in between two hex 8-node finite
elements, then the quad's 4-tuple is also a surface facet of two
I am using ParaView 4.3.1 on Mac OSX.
I used to be able to loop through the components of an attribute array and
change the color of the representation. I am not sure why this is no longer
working (don't recall when it was working, maybe 4.2?). It does work from
GUI. This is the GUI trace for
I have an Exodus, multi-block model. Most of the blocks are hex elements, and
some are layers of quads (tires are composite structures). I would like to
establish local strains which are oriented in the direction of the nearest quad
layer. To do this I need to identify, for each hex in
For the record, I finally found the solution : use ns = globals when
loading the plugin !
LoadPlugin ( '/mnt/users/.../', remote = False, ns =
globals () )
Le 2015-08-18 18:40, houssen a écrit :
How to use a plugin from the python script shell prompt ?
I have a plugi