Hi All,

I have worked with one of the IT persons to finally be able to use the
capabilities of ParaView to capture a high resolution image of each time
step at the end of my model run on a supercomputer. The problem that I am
seeing is that Llvm is taking quite some time per rendered image. I
currently only have 1 node with 8 cores that I use to my disposal. I run
the script using pvbatch and the xmf read to get like 10 images in 10

I am asking my IT guy to try and redo the compile so that it enables MPI so
I can take advantage of multiple cores. Has any one else tried using Llvm
with pvbatch to save out an image per time step? I saw the graph here -
- that talks about having 8 - 10 cores seems to be efficient.

Would it make sense to span Llvm across mutlple nodes / would it be
quicker? Thanks for any input - I am just a little confused on how pvbatch
would work between multiple nodes / what command to use.

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