Hi Tom-Robin,
The values in the csv file needs to match the time values (not indices)
reported on the information tab of the reader. There should be a table that
lists time index, value pairs.
On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:46 AM, Tom-Robin Teschner <
tomrobin.tesch...@yahoo.de> wrote:
wow, thanks a lot for this! I am on a report deadline at the moment but will
try it afterwards. I guess the easiest way is just to write integers (1, 2, 3
...) as the timesteps to the cgns file which should make the mapping work
without problems. In any case, I will fiddle around a bit with what
OK try this. Apply a Programmable Filter to the csv file. Turn on advanced
properties on that panel and use the following scripts:
oi = self.GetOutputInformation(0)
ut = oi.Get(vtk.vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.UPDATE_TIME_STEP())
t = inputs[0].RowData['t']
Hi Tom-Robin,
ParaView does not support having a time series of particles within a single
csv file. You can have a file series of csv files as described here:
Unfortunately, you will not be able to specify a time value in this case.
I am doing particle tracking at the moment and I am visualise my results with
paraview. I have a 3D Navier Stokes solver from which I get a CGNS file with
the flow solution (for example velocity and vorticity in x, y and z) and I also
get csv file where I store position of particles, which