Comrade Narius

If you are an honest and loyal PAC member interested in uniting and
rebuilding PAC as you claim, you are expected to respect and comply
with the PAC Constitution all the time. You are also expected to draw
lessons from past PAC precedences in resolving its problems and past
PAC successes and failures and its legacy as a Party. I am referring,
for example, to the role played by Pokela in exile to unite and
rebuilt the Party, how the PAC congress was convened after unbanning
OF PAC without the PAC NEC in place as per constitution and the
convening of the PAC Convetion in Pretoria.

People who want to unite and build the PAC follow in the footsteps of
Pokela and Makwetu who allowed the convetion to convene even when it
was not catered for in the PAC constitution. If you are still an
honest and loyal PAC, why are you are a stumbling block  to
initiatives intended to rescue this great Party of Robert Mangaliso
Sobukwe? Only enemies can stand against the unity and rebuilding of
PAC so that it does not take its rightful place in SA politics, even
when the ANC failed to deliver on its election promises for many
times. If you are not, comrade, please be on right side of history and
work with all PAC members who are calling for an all-inclusive
solution to PAC problems. Don't push them away. You know the damaged
made by the decree and orders in the PAC under comrade Letlapa.  PAC
is not your private property, son of the soil. It belongs to all PAC

I expect you to talk to comrade Letlapa as a comrade to humble himself
and accept the vote of no convidence against his leadership and step
aside to allow the process to go smoothly so that comrades can forgive
him in future in a comradeship spirit and forget what he did to the
Party. He thought the route he took will save PAC but it did the
opposite. He can be indemnified for his acts if he humbles himself to
the Party. We forgave whites for centuries of brutality. They numbled
themselves so far. It was lesson not for him alone but for all of us.
We all make mistakes. He is human like us too. He makes mistakes.

If you will convene the PAC congress as planned, more harm will be
done to the PAC than before.

 I am making my input as a PAM members for two reasons. Firstly, PAM
is the PAC of R.M. Sobukwe. Secondly, we share the same ancestors -
Sobukwe, Mothopeng and Pokela.
M-Afrika, it is true that a divided house will never stand. The saying
also applies to Pan Africanists too.
Let us spend our time in the future talking about the realignment of
Africanist and socialist forces within PAC, ANC, AZAPO, PAM, APC, etc
to come together and to form the revolutionary alternative to the
current neocolonial alternative in SA.

Today, Julius Malema is expelled from the ANC for articulating our
political stand on nationalisation and the land question on an ANC
platform. He has now no political home to go to. Where is PAC of 53
years old. He has raised the land question in SA back to the center
stage. I agree he is a rough diamond. At least, he is a diamond.  He
only needs to be polished by good mentors to be an asset.

Izwe Lethu!

Charge-in Mabaso

On 4/26/12, Narius Moloto <> wrote:
> The PAC constitution currently in force imposes the National Congress shall
> be held every third year from the last one. This is not optional, it is
> mandatory. The question and process of uniting the party cannot be linked
> with this constitutional requirement unless otherwise decided by the
> congress itself.
> The congress of the PAC  constituted by delegates from party branches are
> the supreme organ of the organization and shall ultimately be the one to
> decide and their decision shall be binding on all disciplined members of the
> PAC. In case where there are different opinions and feelings on an issue,
> the constitutional provision relevant to a subject matter decides.
> Branches are expected to make submissions, resolutions, nominations and any
> other issue they feel the PAC Congress must address. This is the time we
> must spend our energy and time doing. The fate of the party cannot be
> decided outside the congress of the PAC. Differing views, opinions and
> feelings are part of organizational life because there different people in
> the organization.
> It must be clears through that PAC Congress scheduled for 14-15 July 2012 is
> decoded and will go ahead as decided, nothing will change. What is not clear
> though is why the congress should not go ahead. What is suggested now why it
> was not suggested all along? Are people discovering that they don't have
> branches and the need time to go and create some? Are people realizing now
> that they are not members in good standing and cannot just pay now and
> attend the congress in July?
> The congress is not for people at the helm of the party but for the members
> of the party but for the members of the party from the branches. Congress is
> the only opportunity for the members of the PAC through their delegates have
> a greater saying on all issues and matters of the organization including the
> leadership of the organization itself.
> If all comrades who have been complaining genuinely want to fix and correct
> the problem they have been having for the last six years, surely they should
> be happy that the congress is coming earlier than later. They should be
> happy because they know they will be there as delegates and that finally the
> right forum to address their issues is now available.
> When is the right time? Since 2008 to date is not enough time?
> One gets the impression that the strategy is to oppose everything that the
> current leadership or president come up with if this is the case, it is bad.
> Narius Moloto
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Dzumbu Mmbara
> Sent: 26 April 2012 12:25 AM
> The Pan Africanist Youth (PAYCO) of Azania has been following the latest
> developments in the party (PAC) with great interest. We are of the view that
> the party should not hold a national congress on the 14-15 July 2012 but
> instead should hold an inclusive conference first.
> We strive for a united PAC, but the unity must be underpinned by principle,
> common vision and a program of action to rebuild the party and position it
> in the center stage of our political space. The PAC has been in a critical
> condition of organisational paralysis for  sometime now and we have got no
> one to blame but ourselves as members.
> The incumbent at the helm of the party, unconstitutionally and illegally so,
> have time and again showed great disregard for PAC members and we have
> allowed this contempt for internal democracy to carry-on. In this show of
> contempt to the PAC and its members, in 2007 he invoked a rule by decree
> without any good reason. This lead to a bogus congress which took place in
> Alice (Fort Hare, 6th July 2008).
> Right thinking members of the party cannot allow themselves to attend an
> unconstitutional congress of the PAC. It is a known fact that if there is a
> rule by decree it simply means that there is no constitution nor NEC, so who
> calls the congress and which document will be guiding constitution of such
> congress? The way the Alice congress was constituted was not in accordance
> with the constitution and so is the congress scheduled for 14-15 July 2012
> in Butterworth. The PAC Constitution in clauses 5.1 - 5.6 and 8.1.1 and
> 8.1.3 gives a clear directive on how and who should call or arrange the
> party's congress/conference.
> We all know what happened in Alice, parallel structures were created to
> cause confusion and further dwarf the growth of the party. Those with blind
> loyalty were convinced to approve such actions which were not in the
> interest of the party. After all sanity prevailed, because the only
> constitution of the party, the Ga-Matlala 2000 Constitution reigns supreme,
> and it is a great opportunity for us to rebuild the wrecked party
> structures.
> It is a well known fact that since 2008 (Alice farce) the PAC has never had
> an annual conference. How can a party with an important task as the PAC
> exist without meeting at grassroots level to review its programs, policies,
> strategy and tactics? From where we stand, there is no branch, region or
> province which can claim to be in good standing, because the majority of
> branches, regions and provinces are yet to comply with the PAC constitution.
> The latest gimmicks by Letlapa and crew is nothing but a repeat of Alice.
> The question is whether we are going to allow this to happen, again?
> Any sane member can clearly see that there is a serious problem in our party
> and we are the main cause of that problem. For how long shall the PAC suffer
> the same fate and for how long shall PAC members be reduced to voting
> cattles? It is upon members of the party to do the right thing and that is
> to stop individuals from continuing to rape the constitution of the party.
> The PAC belongs to us, not to individuals, and therefore we cannot allow the
> party to be held at ransom by an individual.
> We call upon all progressive members of the party to make sure that the PAC
> holds a conference not an elective congress. We further call upon the youth
> in the party to never allow the situation in the party to deteriorate
> further, because history will judge them harshly. At a national conference,
> members will have power to resolve the ongoing malady in the party. The
> incumbent does not have locus standi to call any gathering of the party. As
> members of the party we can conference and decide how do we take the party
> forward!
> Unite PAC Unite!!!
> Izwe Lethu!!!
> Issued by PAYCO
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