
Forgive me if I'm branching off the subject a little but PC's and hearing aids are so tied together these days and I know a lot of people on list use hearing istruments and this particular media release is quite important - particularly if you reside in Australia -.

My attention was drawn to this through a story on ABC Radios AM Current Affairs programme broadcast this morning which had a follow-up to the release, you can hear it yourself and see the transcript at http://www.abc.net.au/am and look for today's programme, 28 June.

I wouldn't mind betting that there are plenty of people willing to take advantage of those with hearing impairments in other countries too and I'm very glad to see that Australia's ACCC is taking an active role in at least making an investigation in to how the industry conducts itself.

The ABC Radio investigative Radio Programme Background Briefing also did a show on this topic and the link to the blow media release from ACCC supplies a link to that programme.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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