I offer the following information for your Education and Enjoyment. This
information originally came from http://lockergnome.com

I'm a big fan of streaming media, and I'm sure that you are, too. Streaming
content is everywhere these days, and I'm not going to complain about it.
The audio and video that can be delivered to us makes the whole online
experience much more than just reading text on a screen. Streaming content
is great, but what if you want to play it back at a future date? This is
one of the things that many users ask about, and it's important to mention
that there are software options out there. One of them is called
MediaRecorder. This program brings a VCR style interface to streaming
media. You enter in the source of the audio or video file that you want to
record, and then select a file to record to. The recording options are
fantastic for those of you who will not be around your computer when the
stream you love is aired. You can set it to record on a timer right off the
bat, or you may choose to select a start and end date. MediaRecorder
appears to work fairly well, and it should be a breath of fresh air for
anyone who wants to archive his or her favorite streams.
 [http://pcwnl.pcworld.com/t/225206/8832461/755214/0/ ] 

 QuickMix v1.05 [347M] [Win9x/2k/XP] [FREE]
 Rabid audiophiles usually aren't content with one solitary sound scheme on
their computer. They usually change these settings frequently, and it's all
for a good reason. Different applications and projects will sometimes
require you to tweak your sound options. Opening up the mixer and making
these slight adjustments can become tedious after you've done it a
gazillion times. QuickMix allows you to save multiple mixer settings, and
then restore them whenever you need to make a change. To use the program,
all you have to do is set the mixer to the way you like it, and then open
QuickMix and save it. The ability to save many different versions of your
mixer settings makes this a very useful application. You can name each file
after the program or project that it is associated with, and use QuickMix
to bring the settings back to life. I hardly ever have to toy with the
mixer, but if I did, this program would definitely be convenient.
 [http://www.ptpart.co.uk/quickmix/ ] 

     My Live Journal http://djc1.livejournal.com
             email Or Msn: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     I C Q Number Is: 4781694

     Join Me for Great Oldies on Saturday Evenings.

     www.oldiesradionet.com for the Schedule and Information.

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