From:    Aaron Smith
 To:      GW Micro List


You've no doubt by now heard that iTunes 9 works well with Window-Eyes 
except for the iTunes store. If the store is not important to you, feel 
free to upgrade without worry. If the store is important to you, you'll 
want to roll back to the previous, iTunes 8.21 (available from

iTunes made some major structural changes to the store that broke 
Window-Eyes support for it. This will be resolved, but will take a new 
version of Window-Eyes and a new version of iTunes. We are actively 
working on an update to Window-Eyes for this and a few other significant 
issues. Expect some news within the next few weeks. The iTunes update, 
however, will take a bit longer. We've been told to expect something 
within the next month or so.

This is only a show stopper for those who want to purchase the new 
iTouch device for use with the iTunes store. That combination requires 
iTunes 9. One work around might be to purchase songs for iTunes through 
an alternative source, such as (I've been told) Rhapsody.

Rest assured that we are on top of the situation as much as we can be 
from our end, and have a very good dialog open with Apple about the problem.

UPDATE: We just received the following information from an Apple representative:
If users have gone to 9.0 and need to pull back to 8.2.1, they will need to go 
the "Previous Libraries" Folder in Music > iTunes and retrieve their 8.2.1 
as well because the library was upgraded when they went to 9.0. But the library 
saved off before it is upgraded. They do not have to rebuild their library.


To insure that you receive proper support, please include all past
correspondence (where applicable), and any relevant information
pertinent to your situation when submitting a problem report to the GW
Micro Technical Support Team.

Aaron Smith
GW Micro
Phone: 260/489-3671
Fax: 260/489-2608
Technical Support & Web Development

Regards Steve
MSN Messenger:
Skype:  steve1963
Twitter:  steve9782

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