Hi to all.  Recently I have reinstalled Winamp and also the SQ crossfader
plug in.  I used this a couple of years ago or more and with  reformating
etc I never got around to reinstalling it but now I have.  Thing is, I
forgot what configuration I had on the crossfader plug in.  Someone on this
list kindly helped out but unfortunately the instructions he sent got lost a
long time ago in a motherboard crash.  I've done a little playing around but
as I don't really know what I'm doing I don't know what is the best
settings.  I have found there is no save or OK button when I've adjusted the
configuration  of the plug in, only a close button.  I thought when pressed
this would save the new settings but it seems not because when I went back
they were as they were when the plug in was installed.  Anyhow if any of you
use the crossfader and have any suggestions as to which is the optimum
settings or the settings you use I would appreciate your input.  Out of
interest, I like a gentle, smooth transition between tracks.  If any one can
help then I thank you.  Walter.

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