Dear SPL users using NVDA:

First, I'm happy to report that NVDA and Studio runs well in Windows 10 (I'm
using SPL 5.10).

Second, version 5.2 of the SPL add-on for NVDA is now available. This
maintenance version supports connect all command (Control+F9) in SAM
encoders, announces stream labels for encoders being monitored along with
some GUI fixes.

Important note: Due to configuration format change, you cannot go back to an
earlier version of the add-on once Studio 5.2 is installed (the transition
window has now closed).

The add-on can be found at:

The add-on documentation can be found at:


Now to my adventurous friends: version 6.0-dev August snapshot 1 is now
available. After installing this snapshot, go to add-ons manager and locate
StationPlaylist Studio entry. The version field should say 6.0-dev150801.
This was done so that I can keep track of bug reports for specific snapshot

What's new and changed:

*         Instant profile switching: Thanks to broadcast profiles, you can
define a profile as an instant switch profile. Once defined, press SPL
Assistant, F12 to switch between the normal and the switch profile. This
setting is not saved across sessions for now (this will be added soon).

*         Column announcement order: You can now configure NVDA to announce
specific columns in specific order via Manage Column Announcements option in
the add-on settings dialog. In order to use this, uncheck "use screen order"
checkbox (just before the manage column button), go to manage column
announcements and check the columns you wish to hear (note: you should leave
artist and title checked), then configure the column announcement order via
columns list and move up/down buttons. In a future snapshot, artist and
title will always be checked.

*         Other changes and bug fixes.

Usage notes:

*         As you navigate main playlist viewer, you'll hear beeps. This is
for debugging purposes, designed to come up with a fix where Track Dial
toggle command wasn't working after switching to Studio.

*         Using SPL Controller command to invoke Assistant: As of this
snapshot, use of NVDA Python Console to enable this experimental feature is
deprecated. Don't worry, it'll return soon, and this will become prominent
in a future version of the add-on.

*         Resetting settings to defaults: Please avoid using this for now.
I'll optimize this to let you reset settings for the currently selected
profile in the next snapshot.

*         In rare circumstances, when you use the add-on for the first time,
you may get add-on errors. You can ignore this.

*         Encoder support: this snapshot is the last snapshot to use stream
labels file to store stream labels. Starting with the next August snapshot,
not only this database will store stream labels, but file name will also
change (see the next section for details).

Next snapshot plan:

*         Connect all command support in SAM Encoder: Until now, pressing
Control+F9 from SAM Encoder didn't do anything useful. In the next snapshot,
you'll get a choice between two monitoring modes: just monitor the focused
encoder only, or wait until all encoders are connected.

*         Saving encoder settings: in the next snapshot, you'll be able to
save settings such as focusing to Studio across sessions. In the future,
you'll be greeted with a feature to make encoder setting configuration

*         More new features, changes and bug fixes with help from you.

The development version documentation can be found at:


Enjoy the new add-on releases.



P.S. Hope to see many of you next Monday (the third) at Accessible World's
Tek Talk event on Windows 10.

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