Hi all, I believe I may have tried asking this question before, but got
no responses, so will try asking again.  I just got a new sony cd
burner, which barely meets system requirements, but I have burned 4
cd's so far, but with nero express 6, not nero burning rom, because,
the burner came with nero express, when checking the check box that
says add to files, multi-session disk, if I want to add to a disk in
the future, how do I do it, so that the compilation won't just show the
disk size in terms of the new files that are added, and second, if I
make a label for the disk in the current recorder edit field, how do I
get that label not to be eraced?  An example of these two questions
would be, let's say I have 500 megs on the disk, and, I am using some
old disks that only burn at 8x speed that I won a few years ago, and I
close nero express, and later, think of a file I want to add, when I
add the file, if, let's say the file is 11mb, when looking at the drive
for the cd rom, it will say, e cd rom disk, 11mb, though I know there
are more files than that on the disk, and it also says my disk, so, how
do I add to an existing disk without eracing the current label, and get
the current file size to show up on the disk?  This, with nero express
6, window-eyes 4.5sp4, 192 megs of ram, and a 400 megs processor, and
thanks in advance for any help.  


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