has anyone ever seen or used the pamela interface program with skype?

i want to know what people are using out there for making such good voice 
recordings on skype for these podcasts and main menu programs that i keep 
hearing on the air.

what recording software is being used out there to get such good audio 

can a blind person successfully use pamela which is like the old sam 
answering machine for skype that i use but the audio quality of the voice 
recordings is grainy at best using sam

what is the pamela interface like in terms of so called accessibility for 
screen readers and such?

has anyone used pamela and has the recorded voice conversations been of a 
suitable quality for podcasting interviews and such

any help with this would be appreciated

Roger R. Cusson
Computer Access Specialist
Seeing Hands Enterprises - Lisbon, Maine
(207) 353-5007
Skype Contact: rcusson

A quote to live by:
"Any program that works perfectly, just hasn't been tested properly!" 

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