Xu, Ying (Houston) wrote:
We would like to use security patch
cluster to make minimal changes to the environment but fix sun alert

Here's one possible procedure you could use, e.g. for a monthly patch cycle:

On a certain date, e.g. mid-month, you install all the current security patches using the same patchdiag.xref file on all your test machines (e.g. "pca -i missings"). Determine whether a reboot is required or recommended (pca will tell you). Keep and store the patchdiag.xref in some central directory (or on a local patch server), e.g. /xref/20091115/. With a local caching proxy (see pca docs) you will also ensure that all patches are already stored locally when the production machines are patched.

On the last day of the month - your patch day - you install the same set of patches on all production machines by pointing pca at the frozen xref file (e.g. "pca -X /xref/20091115/ -i missings"). If a reboot is required, do that after patch installation.

As the production machines install the same patch set as the test machines, and you had two weeks to sort out any possible issues, the patch install on the production machines could be done automatically.

This could be combined with the usage of Live Update of course, where you would patch an inactive boot environment and reboot to that after patch installation.



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