Thanks to all that commented.  No apologies needed since we all have bad days 
and heavy workloads.   I will start working on the suggestions I listed below 
in Mid April to early May because I have a backlog of projects at my gov. 
office.  In the meantime, if you have more suggestions or links (that you did 
not include in the comments, and have time),  please share them.

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:

From: Dooley, John W - APHIS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 4:16 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (
Cc: T.C. MacRae (; ''

Guess you cannot send '' as a bcc

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:<>

From: Dooley, John W - APHIS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:36 PM
To: Kipling (Kip) Will (<>)
Cc: T.C. MacRae (<>)
Subject: PCES

Kip, Ted, Frederique and others interested,

I know that some are opposed to FaceBook and other social media.  However, I 
believe we should take advantage of Facebook, Listserv, and the website.  
Facebook would be more important in bring in the students and younger 
professionals and we have one already available.    I like the idea that Ted 
raised using a blog on FaceBook and what about (is it feasible) having a blog 
section on the website as well?

Need to get this going but I feel like the blind in the lead.  What about these 

1.       Contact the biology departments at the universities and colleges to 
see if any of the entomology clubs would be interested in joining/accessing the 
FB and Website?

2.       Can we put in links to the website to online identification keys (e.g. 
Insecta Mundi, Zootaxa-free ones,  bugGuide,  USDA-SEL-ARS (scalenet, APHIDS, 
and Aleyrodid info)

3.       Link to the different collections that would be helpful (e.g. CASC, 
CSAC, PPQ, Essig Museum)

Any other ideas? What should we do first?

John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:<>

-----Original Message-----

Hi John,

I probably have as much blogging and Facebook experience as any of us, so I'll 
offer my thoughts now as an early contribution to the conversation.

There are a couple of ways to "blog" using FaceBook. The first would be to 
simply treat FB like a blog - status updates and photo uploads can be used as 
periodic posts. The other way is to develop a true blog on some other hosting 
service (I use WordPress for my own blog) and have blog posts automatically fed 
to the FB page. Either way is fairly easy (once you become familiar with the 
platform) but face an uphill climb in terms of gaining audience - a FB page 
must be "Like" in order for it to show up in somebody's news feed, and a blog 
must either be subscribed to or otherwise bookmarked for somebody to receive 
notification whenever new content is posted.

In my opinion, how to blog is not so much the problem versus who will blog. We 
have FB pages both for the Society and for the journal. So far, I've been using 
the PPE FB page to post status of PPE issues and occasional links to articles 
of general interest to editors, reviewers or authors. I do also occasionally 
blog on behalf of PPE on my own blog - usually longer, more informative posts 
with figures or multiple components that don't fit nicely on FB. I'm not sure 
that anyone else has ever posted on the page, although I have given 
administrative access to all members of the PPE Editorial Board (at least those 
that are on FB that I am aware of). Chris Borkent is managing the PCES FB page 
(I've added him to this email thread), but I believe so far only Kip and I have 
been given content creator privileges on that page.

Perhaps an even more basic question we should ask is "what to blog" - if 
everyone has a clear understanding of what message we want to send out and with 
what frequency, perhaps it will be easier to enlist the help of others in doing 

However we decide to proceed, please count on my assistance.

Best regards,


Best regards,



Ted C. MacRae | Senior Research Entomologist & Project Lead Monsanto Company | 
700 Chesterfield Parkway West | Chesterfield, MO 63017 | U.S.A.

office 636.737.6793 | cell 314.323.1497 | fax 636.737.6988 | email<>

Managing Editor | The Pan-Pacific Entomologist (Journal of the Pacific Coast 
Entomological Society) Newsletter Editor | Nature Notes (Journal of the Webster 
Groves Nature Study Society) Layout Editor | Cicindela (A Quarterly Journal 
Devoted to Cicindelidae) Website | 
(Experiences and reflections of a Missouri Entomologist)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Frederique Lavoipierre
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 2:07 PM
To: D. Christopher Rogers; RLA
Subject: Re: Social media

Although I understand that many people do not use Facebook, many others find it 
a convenient way to keep up with news about interest groups. It is widely used 
by students! Facebook is a great way to connect on a regular basis with 
like-minded people; and useful when you have an organization with far-flung 
members. It could be especially convenient as a last-minute forum to connect 
with group members for outings (Eg: Who would like to join me at Fairfield 
Osborn Preserve tomorrow and collect aquatic invertebrates? Send me a message 
for details.), including those who are not in the Bay Area. Also a fun place to 
share photos.

It takes very little time to maintain a Facebook page; I rarely post more than 
2 or 3 items/week (In my experience, pages that post too often become an 
annoyance.) I currently administrate pages for the SSU Nature Preserves, 
Insecta-Palooza, and Garden Classroom. You can have multiple administrators to 
track the page; I think that Facebook is an easily managed 'extra' for those 
who like to use it, and does not take away from other communication efforts in 
which you are engaged.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brad Kelley
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: PCES SMO Outreach

I have some suggestions regarding this listserv.  I recently joined after 
hearing that PCES had opened up a listserv.  Several Bay Area insect 
enthusiasts and I have been discussing how we could ask identification 
questions, discuss new finds and arrange field trips.  This listserv might meet 
those needs but I'm unsure what the policies will be.

I suggest opening up the listserv to nonmembers as well as members.  This will 
allow enthusiasts to get involved in the Society, get updates and announcements 
and presumably then become dues paying members.  There seems to be plenty of 
interest in insects in our area but there is not an easy online forum for 
sharing those interests.  I doubt there will be much of a problem with spam and 
trolls, and I am willing to assist with moderation of the listserv.

A couple of examples of successful open forums are Entomo-L and Sam Droege's 
Beemonitoring Yahoo Group:

Thanks for considering my suggestions.

Brad Kelley


John William Dooley
MS Organismal Biology, SJSU
389 Oyster Point Blvd, Suite 2A
South San Francisco, Ca 94080
650-8769093 (office)
650-8760915 (fax)
650-3338426 (cell)
Personal email:<>

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