
Using VC++2008 Express on WinXP-SP2,

Referring to "How to write an External in Puredata"

In short, the code "helloworld" builds and runs fine on both
pd-Vanilla0.39 and the latest nightly build of pd-extended.
However, the second demonstration "counter" does not work as it lacks
symbolic links to _s_float.

Following is an "excerpt" of the output message since parts of the
original message is in a foreign language.

hworld.obj : error LNK2001: External symbol "_s_float" unresolved.
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I've found previous posts going back to 2003 with similar issues of
_s_**** not being resolved under VC++ so I am imagining this particular
situation is somewhat an FAQ.
The sad part is that I found no useful solution suggested.

Does anyone have any idea of what is going on?

David Shimamoto

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