Hey all,

I've been working a bit on some testing scripts for Pd-extended. Currently, the main one is load_every_help.py, which does just that: it loads every help file included in Pd-extended, and checks the output. If there is output, it adds that output to the log. The log is uploaded to the auto-build site for that day.


Here, for example, you can see lots of interesting things in the 10.6 64-bit build. For example:

loading: /Users/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/ Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111011.app/Contents/Resources/extra/bsaylor/pvoc~- help.pd warning: extern using garray_getfloatarray() won't work in 64-bit version

And here is the use of a function deprecated in 10.5 and removed in 10.6:

/Users/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages/darwin_app/build/Pd-0.43.1- extended-20111011.app/Contents/Resources/extra/apple/ ambient_light_sensor.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Users/pd/auto-build/pd- extended/packages/darwin_app/build/Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111011.app/ Contents/Resources/extra/apple/ambient_light_sensor.pd_darwin, 10): Symbol not found: _IOConnectMethodScalarIScalarO Referenced from: /Users/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/packages/ darwin_app/build/Pd-0.43.1-extended-20111011.app/Contents/Resources/ extra/apple/ambient_light_sensor.pd_darwin
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

error: ... couldn't create



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