...which makes me wonder: besides all the various tutorials, is there a
comprehensive online course about pd that one can work through?
On 2014-05-10 11:58, plutek infinity wrote:
thanks, max!
right, so it looks like this needs to be the summer of pd tutorials!
thanks, max!
right, so it looks like this needs to be the summer of pd tutorials!
On 2014-05-10 11:40, Max wrote:
On 2014? 05? 10? 23:56, plutek infinity wrote:
since my slider is in a gui panel for the patch, with all the other
code buried in subpatches, is there a way
er's "send to
float" out of view (other than just sticking it under the slider!)?
thanks again... cheers!
On 2014-05-09 07:22, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
On 09/05/2014 07:24, plutek infinity wrote:
i'm trying to control one numerical value in a few ways:
1. have a
i'm sure this is a simple problem, but i can't seem to come up with the
i'm trying to control one numerical value in a few ways:
1. have a bang to set an initial value
2. have a slider for mouse control
3. use keyboard keys to increment and decrement
the attached patch