I finally brushed up this code and got it ready for release, which was
written during an internship a couple summers ago.  [oscbank~] is, well, an
oscillator bank.  It can synthesize hundreds of partials while interpolating
their time varying frequencies and amplitudes.  Each partial needs a unique
index to operate and it is turned off once the amplitude reaches zero.

Other features:
- an array within pd can be specified as the lookup table.
- the maximum number of partials can be set dynamically, although it is
originally set to 100.  I got it going at 1000 today with 57% cpu usage.  I
know it can get better than this (any coders have suggestions?)

The main intention for this external is to synthesize sinusoidal models that
are made by applications such as Spear, SMS, or Loris.  These programs store
the analysis model in SDIF files, which then need to be imported into pd.  I
have an external for this too, which is next to be released (still buggy).

Other planned features (possibly in separate externals)
- noise bandwidth for sinusoids (see http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/460993.html).
This would allow synthesis of Loris' spectral models in real-time..


I look forward to reading any comments or suggestions!

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