Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-28 Thread Ernie Dulanowsky
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Thomas Grill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi Vincent, > thanks! I hope it's ok if i add your guide to the FAQ. > > > gr~~~ > > Am 28.11.2008 um 11:19 schrieb Vincent Rioux: > >> patrick a écrit : >>> one thing to know if flext

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-28 Thread Thomas Grill
Hi Vincent, thanks! I hope it's ok if i add your guide to the FAQ. gr~~~ Am 28.11.2008 um 11:19 schrieb Vincent Rioux: > patrick a écrit : >> one thing to know if flext is not anymore updated in the puredata svn >> (can we remove externals/grill?). so inst

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-28 Thread Vincent Rioux
patrick a écrit : > one thing to know if flext is not anymore updated in the puredata svn > (can we remove externals/grill?). so instead use: > > > > svn co flext > > sh pd gcc > nano buildsys/config-lnx-pd-gcc.tx

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-25 Thread patrick
one thing to know if flext is not anymore updated in the puredata svn (can we remove externals/grill?). so instead use: svn co flext sh pd gcc nano buildsys/config-lnx-pd-gcc.txt sh pd gcc nano config.

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-21 Thread Thomas Grill
Hi Enrique, in order to improve user experience it would be necessary to have detailed feedback. "it did not complain at all" is not very helpful. i just had another look and i found that comenting out OFLAGS=-O3 in the config-lnx-pd-gcc.txt solved it so now i could compile xsample and py

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-21 Thread altern
i just had another look and i found that comenting out OFLAGS=-O3 in the config-lnx-pd-gcc.txt solved it so now i could compile xsample and py and the seem to work fine. nice, but the whole process requieres (in my opinon) a pretty good level of understanding linux and the compilation process an

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-21 Thread altern
hi thomas i decided to give it another go. i checked out the latest svn flext/xsample and py sources. so i did $ apt-get install stk libstk0c2a libstk0-dev libsndobj2c2 libsndobj-dev then i run $ bash pd gcc then edited the linux file config-lnx-pd-gcc.txt i noticed i needed to have the

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-20 Thread Thomas Grill
Hi Enrike, it would be good to know what your problems were with compiling flext or flext-based externals. Did you start with the sources from ? Compiling works as documented, so that you run "sh your_path_to_flext/ pd gcc", edit buildsys/config-*.txt as the console says

Re: [PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-20 Thread altern
finally i took the binaries from 0.39 and places in the 0.40.3 extra folder, then i had to apt-get install python 2.4 as Ubuntu Hardy only has by default python 2.5. Everything seems to work fine so far. still it would be nice to have at some point a more up to date version of the binaries incl

[PD] py and xsample in 0.40.3 extended under Linux

2008-11-20 Thread altern
hi just a wish, i dont want to puch anybody... it would be great to have py and xsample externals included in PD-extended 0.40.3 under Linux, like they were in previous PD extended versions. I want to compile py, but first i need to compile flext. I started two hours ago and i am not getting m