Dan helped us, we fixed it, and it's released
2017-11-02 1:58 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres :
> Hi list, Flávio Schiavoni is collaborating with me with a new GUI
> [keyboard] object. He did a nice work (we're only dealing with some bugs
> before putting it out). But he did it in the o
ELSE 1.0 Beta 6 is out.
Highlisghts: Now [adsr~] has an extra outlet that can be useful to turn
audio processing on and off! Use it in your polyphonic synths, with clone,
and save on processing conveniently! Check its help file.
And now something I'm really happy about. We now have a keyboard G
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to announce the First International Faust Conference
(IFC-18)! We look forward to see you in Mainz this summer.
Romain Michon
CCRMA, Stanford University
[Apologies for cross posting, please circulate widely.]
1st International Faust Conference - Johannes Gute
Dear Piksel friends, here is the PIKSEL17 -- We Take EmoCoin! workshops
Please feel free to spread the word to your friends. Have a nice day!
Piksel Team.
PIKSEL17 We Take EmoCoin!
The 15th annual Piksel Festiv
2017-11-04 11:25 GMT-02:00 Alexandre Torres Porres :
> So I had a [togedge~] and [trigger~] object but was designing a third one
> named [past~], which ended up encompassing functionalities found in both of
> these other two objects, and I also hated the names of the former two
> objects
the th
yeah, that was intentionally removed, but the help file wasn't updated. Now
it has though.
If you want to create an impulse from a bang, use now [impseq~]
Generating impulses from bangs is something you can find in other
externals, like [ciclone/click~], so I didn't want to make one object just