2nd Conference on AI Music Creativity (MuMe + CSMC)
18.-22. July 2021

The second joint Conference on AI Music Creativity brings together two 
overlapping research forums: The Computer Simulation of Music Creativity 
Conference (est. 2016) and The International Workshop on Musical Metacreation 
(est. 2012). The objective of the conference is to bring together scholars and 
artists interested in the emulation and extension of musical creativity through 
computational means and to provide them with an interdisciplinary platform in 
which to present and discuss their work in scientific and artistic contexts.

The 2021 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity will be hosted by the 
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) of the University of Music 
and Performing Arts of Graz and held online. The five-day program will feature 
paper presentations, concerts, panel discussions, workshops, tutorials, sound 
installations and two keynotes. 

Further details can be found below and on the conference website: 

# Conference theme

The theme of AIMC 2021 is: Performing [with] machines. The dual meaning of this 
title hints towards an understanding of the machine as a performing agent in a 
human-machine partnership. By putting the emphasis on creative human-machine 
partnerships in performative contexts, this theme aims to encourage artistic 
and scientific contributions that deal with the different ways in which 
musicianship, authorship and performership are challenged, extended and 
redefined in the era of AI.

# Call for Papers

We invite submissions of full papers, work-in-progress papers and demos on 
topics related to AI Music Creativity.  For the first time, our call for papers 
includes a “piece and paper” category, for papers linked with a music 

# Call for Music

We invite artistic submissions that deal with topics related to AI music 
creativity, involving machines, machine learning and dealing with topics 
related to agency. We especially encourage and promote submissions that address 
AI from diverse technical and non-technical as well as critical angles with 
regard to questions of gender, performance, ecology and aesthetics.

# Call for Workshops and Tutorials

We welcome the submission of workshop and tutorial proposals related to the 
conference topics. Selected workshops will be held online and take place on the 
first day of the conference (July 18th). 

# Important dates

Submission deadline: 1. April 2021
Acceptance notification deadline: 1. May 2021
Camera-ready deadline: 1. June 2021
Conference: 18.-22. July 2021

# Organizing committee

Conference chairs: Artemi-Maria Gioti and Gerhard Eckel
Music chair: Luc Döbereiner
Paper chair: Artemi-Maria Gioti
Virtual conference chair: IOhannes zmölnig
Diversity consultant: Anna Xambó
Web management: Alisa Kobzar

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: aimc2...@iem.at.
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