Hello, I'm trying to make ofelia work on different linux systems (first I was trying in Manjaro and then I decided to run some virtual machines to see if the problem was localized).
After downloading the 0.4 version via deken and running the scripts (arch ones for Manjaro 21.3.7 and Endeavour 3.43-1 and the Ubuntu ones for Ubuntu Studio 22.10), I could not instantiate the library. The initial issues I had seem to be related to the libGLEW and libboost_filesystem versions expected by ofelia. I have tried to solve this by creating symlinks with the expected filenames. sudo ln /usr/lib/libGLEW.so.2.2 /usr/lib/libGLEW.so.2.1 sudo ln /usr/lib/libboost_filesystem.so.1.80.0 /usr/lib/libboost_filesystem.so.1.71.0 Although these first issues are solved by doing this, I still get this error while trying the shape/polygon example: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path9extensionEv ofelia d $0-of ... couldn't create /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path9extensionEv ofelia d $0-of ... couldn't create /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path9extensionEv ofelia d $0-of ... couldn't create /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path9extensionEv ofelia f; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(ofGetWidth() * 0.2, ofGetHeight() * 0.5); ofRotateZDeg(ofGetFrameNum() * 0.5); polygon(0, 0, 82, 3); ofPopMatrix(); ; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(ofGetWidth() * 0.5, ofGetHeight() * 0.5); ofRotateZDeg(ofGetFrameNum() * 1); polygon(0, 0, 80, 20); ofPopMatrix(); ; ofPushMatrix(); ofTranslate(ofGetWidth() * 0.8, ofGetHeight() * 0.5); ofRotateZDeg(ofGetFrameNum() * -1); polygon(0, 0, 70, 7); ofPopMatrix(); ... couldn't create /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: /home/padovani/pd-externals/ofelia/ofelia.pd_linux: undefined symbol: _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path9extensionEv ofelia f; ofBackground(102); ofFill(); function polygon(x, y, radius, npoints); local angle = OF_TWO_PI / npoints; ofBeginShape(); for i = 0, OF_TWO_PI, angle do; local sx = x + math.cos(i) * radius; local sy = y + math.sin(i) * radius; ofVertex(sx, sy); end; ofEndShape(true); end; ... couldn't create Any clues on how to solve this? BTW... is ofelia development currently abandoned or is it some very specific issue I am having here? Thanks in advance for any clues!
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