I found a strange behavior in lu_backsub from PDL::MatrixOps:

    pdl> my $M=pdl([1,2],[3,4]);
    pdl> my $M1=pdl([3,4],[1,2]); # interchange two rows
    pdl> my $y=pdl(1,1);
    pdl> my $x=lu_backsub($M->copy->lu_decomp, $y);
    pdl> my $x1=lu_backsub($M1->copy->lu_decomp, $y);
    pdl> p $x->info;
    PDL: Double D [2,1]
    pdl> p $x1->info;
    PDL: Double D [2]

In both cases I'm solving the same 2x2 system of equations using a 1D
vector as the right hand side, but in the second case I interchanged
rows, so I expected the same solution.  In the first case I get back a 'row
vector', i.e., a matrix with one row. However, in the second case I
got a real 1D vector, not a matrix.

My guess is that the problem is related to the code around line 1298
of matrixops.pd, which contains some warnings:

      if($nontrivial) {
         if($y->is_inplace) {
            $y .= $y->dummy(1,$y->dim(0))->index($perm->dummy(1,1))->sever;   # 
TODO: check threading
            $out = $y;
         } else {
            $out = $y->dummy(1,$y->dim(0))->index($perm->dummy(1,1))->sever;  # 
TODO: check threading
      } else {
         # should check for more matrix dims to thread over
         # but ignore the issue for now
         $out = ($y->is_inplace ? $y : $y->copy);
      print STDERR "lu_backsub: starting with \$out" . pdl($out->dims) . "\n" 
if $PDL::debug;

Best regards,


W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-5388     `>/   /\
Av. Universidad s/n CP 62210         |                           (*)/\/  \
Cuernavaca, Morelos, México          | moc...@fis.unam.mx   /\_/\__/
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