I have just picked up a nice MX and need to put a 50 on it. My old kit was a 
Spotmatic and an SMC 50/1.4, now stolen. I use this mostly to supplement my 
Leica M outfit, filling in the gaps between it's shortcomings, and as a backup. 
I'm interested in the early "K" 50/1.4 because it appears to be the nearest 
replacement to the lens I've been used to. 

The lens spends most of it's time wide open, close up, occasionally with a 
short extension tube. Ultimate sharpness is not my main concern. 

I'm interested to know what people think of the differances between the K lens 
and the M version, especially regarding overall wide open rendition. I remember 
some discussion in the past about this, but the archives don't seem to offer 
much help. I recall many people regarding these lenses as virtually identical, 
but a look at the cross sections would seem to tell a different story. 

Any thoughts?

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