----- Original Message ----- 
From: "cbwaters"
Subject: Re: *istD anti-aliasing? not anymore!

> Careful Bill,
> Remember the "I beat people up" and the "I've got my lawyer on the
> threads.  You could be smacked with a defamation case!  literally!

Defamation requires an identifiable victim of the transgression. This
means that I would actually have to mention a name.
Regarding the "I beat people up", if you recall, the person
(theoretically) threatened identified himself as a 6'5" 230 pound
hard ass, I identified myself as a 5"8, 140 pound pencil necked desk
To be threatened, one needs to have reson to believe there is an
implicit threat to their well being.
At no time has any post I have made to this list met the litmus test.

William Robb

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