April 2003 PUG Contest Again

2003-03-30 Thread Joseph Tainter
UPDATE: For some reason this came through to me with my e-mail address deleted. So I'll try again, and try to disguise my address: jtainteratmindspringdotcom In the above, replace 'at' with @ and 'dot' with a dot. Don't know why the server did this. Joe Last December I sent the following mess

April 2003 PUG Contest

2003-03-30 Thread Joseph Tainter
Last December I sent the following message to the list. Well, April is almost at hand, and so I announce the opening of the Bulwer-Lytton/William Robb contest for best photographic cliché Send your choice to me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'll keep a total and announce the winner at the end of the m