
Since I don't have a telezoom, besides my MF Tokina SD 70-210 f4-5.6, which
I don't really like because it's very soft, I'm looking for something
different, with autofocus, for little money. I've encountered various
lenses, but at the moment I would settle with a range of up to about 200mm.
I would generally want to use it indoors, with flash, for snapshot
portraitures and animals, and outside, also for snapshot portraiture and
maybe some skyshooting and even more beasties.

On photodo the SMC F 70-210mm f4-5.6 has an awesome score of 3.5, and my
question is, is it indeed a nice lens, or should I look out for something
else? I'm able to get one for between $70 and $100.

Thanks for comment and advice, take care,


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