Today I got a Sigma 70-300 APO Macro Super in the mail. It's in beautiful
condition with everything like new. I carried it outside (on the D) and took a
bunch of pictures of trees and branches against the snow and sky. I was
looking, of course, for the tell tale coloured fringes that I intensely deplore. In
Photoshop at 100% zoom (after converting the RAW images in RSE) I found
no fringes except perhaps in the extreme corners and then to see them requires more than a little imagination. Even with more zooming its hard to be sure the
pixels on one side tend towards the blue end of the spectrum. Now I have
another good Sigma telephoto besides the 400/5.6 APO. I used 'Green' and
the exposure was 1/500 at f8. I'll try it wide open later, but so far I'm happy. I suppose the story might be slightly different with film instead of the smaller
sensor area of the D.


Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

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