On the image side ...
Digital wins on the enlargement side.  There's no grain from the aperture affect of 
the holes in emulsion.  So you get a smoother image.
Digital wins on clear, brilliant colors.
Film wins on raw information.  Just look @ 4x5 & 8x10 contacts.
Film wins on color depth.  No questions there.

On the equipment side ...
Digital wins for lack of chemicals.
Film wins with the options that chemical variations provide.

On the archival side ...
Film wins for longevity.  I'll be surprised if 5% of your images last you 20 years, 
let alone 100.
Digital wins for storage space, indexing, recall potential.

IOW -- toss-up.  Pick what's suitable.  And that, realistically, should be BOTH!  
Because the singular goal is a quality image.  What happend in between (the medium to 
get to theat result) is where the only difference lies.


"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that 
it bears a very close resemblance to the first."   Ronald Reagan 

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