If you're content with nothing wider than 8.3 inches, consider the R800. Generally less than 400USD, UltraChrome inks give great reproduction and longevity.




                                        > "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I discovered that the built in profiles that Epson provides work pretty darned well.

It's true.

I discovered that if the printer colour management is on, colour management in Photoshop should be off.

Man, I remember when I discovered that. I found it amazing that I hadn't
read anywhere that "if the printer colour management is on, colour
management in Photoshop should be off". That is, stated as clearly and
concisely as you just did.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

Hummm. Wonder if i should try an Epson printer. The Canon's,as far as i can 
see, don't
have colour
management in detail as the Epsons. Plus the added benifit of proper B&W inks.

Any suggestions, models to start looking. Keep in mind i would sell a lot from 
printer, so a
good dpi would be nice and ability to do a nice B&W.



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