Blow-Out Photo-Liquidation Sale 

 I hate to do it this way, I must raise cash mundane reasons. I made
 some great images w/ this gear and even some substantial income, however
 conditions here are totally deteriorated for quality image sales. Even 
pre-digital, point&shoot was satisfactory for 75% of the potential              
market. No repeat business, either - as they continue to use same
 materials for too many years. Also became tired of constantly having           
usage agreements ignored by clients and having to chase them down for   
further payment.
 I suppose I'll revert to hobbyist status w/ my old 6x7, though I am 
 having a hard time even coming up w/ much desire to photograph any-
 thing around here - after a while it all just looks like scrub pines
 and weeds.

 ... anyway all this stuff is in good shape unless stated otherwise and
  I'm open to *reasonable* offers. I've got some Kodak RG25 & TMaxCN
  in the freezer and will toss in a roll or two w/ significant puchases.
          If caught in an irrational mood I might trade a bunch of this stuff
for       a good 45mm lens for the 6x7 - one never knows.

  E-Mail me off-list and I'll collect up any offers for a week or so and
  then let everyone (anyone?) know what's up. Some items I'll let go for
  very little, but some will need an appropriate price - you should be
  able to tell which    are which in the listing below :

  ScrewMount Pentax ( ... apparently work w/ Pentax Digital)

        17mm f4 FishEye Takumar
        20mm f4.5 SuperTakumar  w/ dedicated hood (77mm filtersize)
        24mm f3.5 SuperTakumar  w/ hood
        55mm f1.8 SMC Takumar  w/ hood  
        55mm f2 SMC Takumar  (no case, dinged filter ring)
        55mm f2.2 AutoTakumar  (modified to manual aperture, no case)
        85mm f1.9 SuperTakumar  w/ hood
        105mm f2.8 SuperTakumar  w/ hood
        200mm f5.6 TeleTakumar (early pre-set aperture type)
        300mm f4 Takumar ( c. 1963 w/ manual aperture)

                above w/ cases & caps unless mentioned otherwise

        Spotmatic F
        Spotmatic II  (needs CLA for sometimes sticking mirror)
        Honeywell Pentax H1 w/ never-ready case 

        Yaschinon 50mm f1.4  (no auto-manual switch on this one)
        Sigma 135mm f2.8 "Pan-Tele"  
              (has stops to f64 / no auto-manual switch)
        Tamron 80-250mm f3.8  
              (older model/bunged up adapter - manual aperture) 


        28-80mm f3.5-f4.5 Takumar A  (no case)
        45-125mm f4 SMC-K  (no case)
        400mm f5.6 SMC-K  (manual aperture to f45 - w/ case & caps)  
        Tokina 2x teleconverter  (better than many)
        ME Super w/ Winder II ME & AF 200s flash
        SuperProgram w/ Winder II ME & AF 280T flash

  Voigtlander Bessa II 6x9cm folding rangefinder 
        User condition but still a classic
  Canonette QL17 GIII   35mm rangefiner
  Miscellaneous filters, K-m42 adapters, screwmont extension tubes, 
      TC's etc

        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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