Hi, gang.
An article from New York Times, showing my beloved country situation in a
very precise way. For all of you asking "what da hell is happening down

Albano, el gaucho fotografo

Argentina Paying Heavily for Squandering Blessings
February 8, 2002

BUENOS AIRES, Feb. 6 - Everywhere they gather in these days
of crisis and collapse, Argentines are asking themselves
the same question: how could it have come to this? How has
this country, whose name derives from a Latin word meaning
money and whose elegant capital faces an estuary called the
River of Silver, managed to go bankrupt?
"Our case has got to be unique in modern world history,"
said Daniel Bellini, a high-school chemistry teacher, as he
sat with friends at an outdoor cafe on the Avenida Nueve de
Julio, a stately boulevard that recalls the country's
former glories. "To start off with such abundance and end
up this poor, that, my friend, takes a very special
Not so long ago Argentina really did seem "doomed to
success," to use a favorite rallying cry of Eduardo
Duhalde, the country's fifth president since December.
Early in the 20th century this was the seventh richest
country in the world, with a per capita income ahead of
those of Canada, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan and
Spain and not far behind that of the United States.
Today, the average Argentine income is less than a quarter
of America's, and 40 percent of the country's 37 million
people live below the poverty line. Unemployment is at a
record 22 percent, and the situation is getting worse: the
government acknowledges the economy will shrink by 5
percent this year, but most independent forecasters talk of
a decline of 8 percent or more.
How and when Argentina will recover from this economic
collapse, which has been accompanied by a loss of
confidence in the political and social institutions, is
unclear. Mr. Duhalde admits that the local banking system
cannot pay depositors and the country has become a pariah
on international credit markets since defaulting on $141
billion in public debt in December.
Argentina's long slide into insolvency both baffles and
enrages its populace because this country is blessed with
some of the most fertile soil in the world, under which
ample supplies of oil also lie. In the prosperous past -
and still today - herds of cattle roamed the endless
pastures known as the pampas. Wheat, corn and, more
recently, soybeans grew almost effortlessly, leading to a
typically cocky saying that "a good harvest can fix
In the midst of such plenty, it was easy for Argentines to
believe that they were destined for greatness. The attitude
that came to predominate, Argentines now acknowledge, was
predatory and self-indulgent, based on the certainty that
the country's riches were inexhaustible.
"Argentines were bitten by the disturbing bug of
self-complacency," said Mariano Grondona a columnist for
the daily La Nación, who has written of two books about the
cultural prerequisites of development. "In love with
themselves, they became narcissistic."
Over the years, Argentina has veered from a closed
state-run economy to a deregulated, free-market model, the
only constants being the venality of those in power and
their reckless squandering of the nation's wealth. The
country's greatest modern writer, Jorge Luis Borges, once
said of the Peronists, the dominant political party here
for more than 50 years, "They are neither good nor bad,
just incorrigible."
The pampas influenced the country's development in another
way, instilling a sense of isolation and a suspicion of
authority perhaps even more extreme than in the American
West. The epic work of Argentine literature taught in every
school, José Hernández's "Martín Fierro," glorifies those
values through its solitary hero, a gaucho cowboy unjustly
sent to fight on the Indian frontier.
Distrust of the state, however, gradually developed into
disrespect for the rule of law, from rampant tax evasion to
the military's murder of political opponents. The verdict
of G. Bevione, an Italian writer who visited this country
in 1910 seems prescient: Argentina is "a country where the
judicial branch has no independence and the executive
branch knows no restraint."
One result can be seen in the current spectacle of a
politicized Supreme Court, beholden to a former president
and feeling threatened by a new one, trying to torpedo the
current administration's economic strategy. On Friday, the
justices, ignoring Mr. Duhalde's warning that the banks
were without funds, ruled that a two-month-old freeze on
withdrawals from accounts was unconstitutional and must be
But instead of bowing to the decision, Mr. Duhalde threw
his support behind an effort to impeach all nine members of
the court and replace them with justices more to his
liking. He also refused to abide by the ruling and decreed
that no one might challenge his defiance in the courts, a
step that constitutional experts here agree is itself of
dubious legality.
Even more than the United States, modern Argentina is a
nation of immigrants: at the peak of the influx, nearly
one-third of the population was foreign-born, more than
double the highest rate in the United States. But instead
of forging a sense of nationhood that could substitute for
the absence of other values, Argentines came to see their
country as a "piece of Europe that broke off and landed in
South America," in the words of a diplomat here.
Rather than integrate with the rest of Latin America,
Argentina held itself apart from and above its neighbors,
an attitude encouraged by its isolation at the southern end
of the continent. Other Latin Americans responded in kind,
with sayings like: "An Argentine is an Italian who speaks
Spanish, wishes he were English, acts like he is French and
suffers under a German army."
But beginning with a military coup in 1930, that self-image
failed one test after another. For the next 50 years, the
country remained imprisoned in a disastrous cycle in which
authoritarian military rule gave way to civilian
governments so inept that they provoked new army uprisings,
culminating in the brutal dictatorship in which more than
20,000 people disappeared between 1976 and 1983.
Though the armed forces remain so discredited that they are
no longer seen as a threat, 20 years of democracy have only
left Argentines discouraged and humbled. Years of
four-digit inflation were followed by a burst of
dollar-fueled growth and frenzied consumption, but that
quickly evaporated into a four-year recession, one that has
yet to hit bottom.
Reluctant to accept that reality, "we Argentines continue
to be fascinated by the rich country Argentina once was"
instead of the poor country it has become, Mr. Grondona
said. Though the evidence of ruin is everywhere, "we
continue to deny it in the name of a fantasy."
Over the last decade, Argentina has opened to its Latin
American neighbors and the rest of the world, finally
realizing that it could no longer afford standoffishness.
But the old problem of a rapacious ruling class has been
compounded by the arrival of foreign companies willing, it
appears in retrospect, to do anything to get a slice of the
pie, including payment of bribes in return for sweetheart
"The looting of the country comes from both within and
outside," said Marcos Aguinis, author of "The Intolerable
Charm of Being Argentine," a recent best seller. "Foreign
investment here didn't take risks either. What came was
volatile short- term capital looking for a quick return and
an easy exit, content to earn a 20 percent rate of return
and send the money home instead of reinvesting."
No one can say that Argentines, the most highly literate
population in Latin America, are not reflective about
themselves or their national malaise. Buenos Aires is said
to have the heaviest per capita concentration of
psychoanalysts of any city in the world, and even with the
country in ruins, fliers continue to be posted on walls
here inviting the depressed to group therapy sessions that
teach how to "live with joy and little money."
Borges was no friend of psychoanalysis, and as he saw it,
the typically Argentine bemoaning of "our solitude, our
perdition and our primitive character has, like
existentialism, the charms of poignancy." But even that
emphasis on melancholy self-examination has now come to be
seen as a symptom of the country's ills and skewed
"Instead of investing in technology and science, the effort
was put into training psychiatrists and lawyers because
that was easier and didn't require as much expense." said
Mr. Aguinis, a former minister of culture. "We had the same
level of human talent as Brazil, if not better. But they
were the ones who ended up industrializing, not us, because
they were willing to spend money on equipment and
laboratories to train engineers and chemists."
What the current crisis requires, most Argentines say, is
action, and not more "cafe chatter." But the country
remains divided and disorderly, perhaps as much so as in
1925, when Argentina was nearing the end of its golden age
and Albert Einstein, visiting here and puzzled by what he
saw, asked, "How can so disorganized a country progress?"
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