A while back a list member(forgot who)replied 
to a film quiry with the statement that,VC is 
better in a dull or cloudy situation were as NC 
would be better in a sunny situation.I tried to 
experiment with that advice 2 weekends ago but 
the weather was not ideal to test the theory.
(shot most of the VC in overcast and most of 
the NC the same way,but the sun did come out 
Both films seemed,to me anyway,give nice colour 
and the NC in bright sun gave the black and 
lighter colours the same exposure,so one was 
not 'muddy etc.
The VC that was shot in dull conditions seemed 
to hold the darker detail of the horse well.
My last film,outdoor shot is comming up on Sept 
13-15 so i hope to run  another test to up date.
Hope this informal test/review was helpfull.


Pentax User
Stouffville Ontario Canada
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