        I have seen a few comments in the past about a 6x7 adapter for this
lens but have never seen anything in a Pentax catalog to support this. The
rear of the lens from just behind the focusing collar is removable and would
probably allow some sort of short mount adapter to be manufactured. However
when I checked the image circle it was too small for even 6x6. There is an
internal baffle in the focusing section that may need to be removed, but I
still don't know whether that would give a big enough image circle. All of
that stuff is to the rear of the lens groups, so you can fiddle about
without too much chance of upsetting the lens,


Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Sorescu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 12:30 AM
Subject: 645/67 mount for M42 SMCT 500/4.5 ?


  I noticed the image produced by M42 S-M-C-T 500/4.5 seems big enough
  for 645/67 format. Is there any adapter for 645/6x7 ?

  What's the dissasembly procedure for this lens (starting from
  the front element)?

  adrian sorescu

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