Well, I guess I can chime in with my Saturday too :-)

        As some of you are aware, Friday is when I picked up my MZ-S.

        My Saturday was the first time I was going to run some film through
the MZ-S.  The morning was supposed to be spent working on a friend's boat.
But with the lightning an rain this had to be cancelled.  This gave me time
to load a roll of ASA 100 print film (I want to see the imprinting) and took
shots around the house.  I even had it outside in the drizzle taking a few
shots.  I tried F, FA, A, and M lenses.  This went from 28mm through 300mm.
I even took some shots with the flash and my 280T.  I was happy to see that
from the manual I can use both my 280T and 400T.

        I finished the roll and dropped it off at the photo store, where the
other sales clerk ogled and admired the MZ-S.  From there it was an hour
trip north to a friend's house to attend a rodeo that evening.

        The lighting was poor at the rodeo and I ended up taking a roll of
Kodak ASA 1000 Professional color negative film and followed that with Kodak
TMAX ASA 3200 B&W print film.  I used my F 135mm f2.8 for all the shots and
played around with all the modes and focusing sensors.  I cannot wait to see
the reults.  I even forced myself to leave the LX behind to learn the MZ-S

                Basically it was an enjoyable and fulfilling day, hope yours
was as enjoyable,

                                                César Matamoros II
                                                Panama City, Florida

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