I will go for *ost for the papa-D (Most, Ghost, Lost, Boost etc)

And *rst for the baby-D (First, Worst)

maybe also *ast for a retro model (Last, Past, Fast, blast etc)

And *est for the 645 back/body (Biggest, Baddest, Maddest etc)

I am starting to suspect it is all pipe-dreams for this year though...

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 24 February 2004 01:27
> Subject: Photokina : Big Surprise ?
> Sorry, it is late here, and trying not to sleep makes me 
> think about crazy things.
> Remember this :
> Photokina 2000 : MZ-S is announced as well as the MR -52
> Photokina 2002 : Optio 330 GS is announced (crisis time)
> Photokina 2004 : ??? Well, news lens DA , and, I really hope 
> a big big news (Digital back for 67 or 645 or baby ist D or 
> *ist D Pro ?)
> And you ???
> Just notice one thing :
> What the hell will be the name of next Pentax SLR/DSLR ???
> ^_^
> MZ or ZX something is easy, change number or letter
> but *ist ... use n like MZ5n or p like Z-1p 
> I give my opinion : add "e"
> because 
> PENTAX*ist e  = pentaxiste = french way to call a crazy man 
> like me ! (remember www.pentaxiste.org )
> ^_^
> Clover
> http://www.pentaxiste.org
> Sorry for this post, I gonna take a pill for the night (not 
> the blue one of course !)

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