Hi Boris
I think it is not only a question of DOF whether the background of a picture
adds or distracts.
A smaller aperture will help, but not always IMHO.
I would try to move (myself) more and take several pictures from different
angles with that lens at F5.6.
With moving targets, making a series of shots instead of a single photo
could help having a good one among them too.

But, there must be better answers from the pros here ;-)


>>MM> Hi Boris
>>MM> I like the expression on most of the faces but I think you really
>>MM> should take care for the backgrounds too.... and the framing is
>>MM> not perfect as well on most photos. greetings
>>Markus, I have to agree with you. Which leads me to my current
>>question that I keep pondering all the time (within limits of reason
>>:) ).
>>By now, I use my F 70-210 zoom at 210 mm (long end) which makes it
>>roughly 315 mm on my *istD to make these shots. It is then 315/5.6
>>lens. It seems that even at this focal length, f/5.6 yields
>>considerable DOF that somewhat spoils my backgrounds... What to do?
>>For now, I wouldn't want to come closer to my "prey" :).

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