David wrote:

DD> I too made the effort - here in Durham (N.E. England), we got a 
DD> theoretical maximum of about 92% eclipsed at sun-rise.  For once, it was 
DD> beautifully cloud free, but heavy haze meant that the sun slowly 
DD> appeared a few minutes after sunrise, as a deep red, thin crescent.  My 
DD> site was a few minutes walk from home, with the sun rising between the 
DD> towers of Durham Cathedral - the same viewpoint as one of my PUG 
DD> submissions:
DD> http://pug.komkon.org/01jun/durcath1.html

   I just pictured the crescent between the towers and wow, this must
   be a breath taking shot. Looking forward to see it.
   Servus,   Alin

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