The last two years have been nice (most of it anyway) but I have had 
enough.  Cya.

On Saturday 01 February 2003 10:17 pm, Mike Johnston wrote:
> > Well, it's your choice.
> >
> > I have a young son in the army who's already shipped out. I hope we
> > don't see another Hanoi Jane (or Baghdad Mike) or some similar
> > thing rise out of this bullshit to the peril of my son or others
> > due to such idiocy. I watched fools like you help to cause the
> > death of my fellows in Viet Nam. Knowledge is knowing what has to
> > be done. I believe your "knowledge" to be faulty. Even if it isn't,
> > wisdom is knowing when to do what has to be done. You have
> > demonstrated your lack of this necessary quality.
> >
> > Have a nice day, twit, and be careful of your contribution to
> > putting many young men and women in peril.
> I appreciate your family's contribution to the security of the nation
> and I sincerely hope no harm comes to your son, but how does my being
> in favor of impeaching Bush deserve ANY of the insults you've made
> here?
> I didn't vote for Bush, I don't like the guy, I don't approve of him,
> I think he's a radical, I think he's an idiot, I think he's a
> warmonger, I think he's been an unmitigated disaster for the country
> since the day after the last election, and if we could send him
> packing back to Texas where he belongs we'd all be better off, in the
> short term, in the long term, at home, and abroad. In my opinion.
> If Bush were not President your son would not be in imminent peril of
> combat, since Bush and the members of his administration are the main
> instigators of this action in the first place. Europe doesn't support
> it, the U.N. doesn't support it, it's not a response to the attack on
> the WTC, the American people don't understand the need for it, and
> Bush and Rumsfeld won't tell us why want to do it.
> So they're about to blow the crap out of Baghdad. How the hell should
> I know why they're doing it? Oil? Politics? Warmongering? Too much
> saber-rattling to back down now? Can't find bin Laden and got to take
> it out on somebody? Christ, I have no idea. But whatever the reason
> is, they're the twits who are putting your son and his friends in
> peril, not me. I have nothing to do with any of it.
> --Mike

Ken Archer Canine Photography
San Antonio, Texas
"Business Is Going To The Dogs"

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