
This afternoon I went to see the new exhibition at The Queen's House,
which is part of the National Maritime Museum here in Greenwich.

The exhibition is a joint effort looking at the British coastline,
with photographs by The National Trust and some of the British members
of Magnum.

The NT landscapes are fairly traditional pictorial, but of very high
quality. In particular, there are some stunning backlit colour

The Magnum photos are all black & white, and are more obviously
related to the people and communities. The photographers are Stuart
Franklin, Ian Berry, Chris Steele-Perkins and David Hurn. For my money
the photos by David Hurn really stand out, but the others include some
new classics too.

Each of the photographers has a room to himself, except that Stuart
Franklin has a 2nd room devoted to the effects of the flash flood in
Boscastle last year.

Anybody coming to London this year could do far worse than dedicate a
day to visiting Greenwich (take a boat trip), and looking at this
exhibition while you're here.


Some of the photos:

A smaller version of the exhibition will be touring some regional
museums, and there will be a poster exhibition at some NT properties.

Boscastle flood:


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