
Remember when I joined the list, I complained that the optics for my
MZ-S had this flimsy plastic feel, and that I missed the sturdyness
of my zuikos? It was followed by an interresting thread about if the
"feel" had any significance on the pictures - or if I was just being
superficial and gear-oriented, and that as such it was really me
being "flimsy" :)

I had a Pentax 28-80 (or some such beast), where I was not quite
happy with neither the optical nor mechanical or tactile qualities.
So I acquired the 24-90, which satisfied my expectation for optically
good - but did little for the "flimsyness" :(
Well, folks, I've found the solution to my problem. A while ago I
acquired the 77mm limited. With the Zuikos, the 85mm f2 was always my
favorite, however that has found its rival in the 77mm limited. I'm
impressed by the optics, and it feels even more sturdy than the
zuikos :)

So I went ahead and recently got myself the 43mm and 31mm limited as

Those two gems are still working on getting on comfortable in the
camera bag, however they seem to like their new home, and I am sure
that they feel welcome. I'm brought them all along to a trip to
San Francisco, and thus just shot a roll of Portra 160VC with each
and had 1h processed at Walgreen. Thus far, I've learned that (i) the
"bokkeh" of the 43mm indeed is interresting but the lens is
tack-sharp, (ii) that the 31mm is amazing even fully open - ohh, and
(iii) that Walgreen's 1h processing really takes 3h (and they do not
apologize!), that (iv) they have a hard time getting the prints
even close to acceptable quality (what stain? We don't care about
stains on prints, that's normal for prints...) and (v) that Portra VC
colors are really wasted on Walgreen.

I discovered that the 31mm is very usefull for taking pictures when
wading through the crowds to get from my hotel to the convention
center. It's been very different to visit SF this time as compared to
previously, and various unexpected photo-opportunities presented

On the topic of the 31mm, I cannot help to think that this lens is
smartly designed: the way the lenscap fits on over the hood is just
the right way for a wide-angle. It allows a "slim" pol-filter to stay
on and still permit the hood to be mounted. Most "slim" filters work
very badly with the snap-on lens caps - this lens is just smart :)

Now, I just need to use the lenses some more to learn about their
strengths and (if any) shortcommings. I've got a weekend off, and am
planning a small trip up north-east CA (Clear Lake etc..)

It's nice to get some time for photography. Other than a few
test-shots, the two newcommers have been laying idle at home since I
got them. This is their first trip, and I aim at giving them a good

Question, though: how the heck do you guys mount Cokin P-filters (or
Lee or whatever square filter format you guys use) on the 31mm? It
seems to be "mission impossible".


ps: I managed to get the limited in black - looks much cooler on a
black body :)

psps: A colleague has bought the Pentax Optio S, and he was kind
enough to bring it along to AND let me fonde it. Wow, that's a small
gem too, I could almost be tempted to get a digital by that S.

pspsps: Yeah, with reference to the first section of this mail, I am
probably just being flimsy :)

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